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#1 Sampsa Ranta 18190 | #9 Bea Baselines 17491 |
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Rank (user) | User | Submission | complete | User label | Survival time↑ | Major infractions ↓ | Traveled distance↑ | Lateral deviation ↓ |
1 | Sampsa Ranta | 18190 | 1/4 | Watch For The Birdie | 60. | 0. | 19.84 | 1.75 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18552 | 1/4 | Quack² - 0.3 Panda | 60. | 0.2 | 11.78 | 1.91 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18549 | 1/4 | Quack² - To Quack Or Not | 60. | 0.2 | 9.3 | 1.69 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18236 | 1/4 | Quack² - The Reworked | 60. | 0.6 | 11.78 | 1.57 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18253 | 1/4 | Quack² - Interesting | 60. | 0.6 | 11.78 | 1.65 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18263 | 1/4 | Quack² - For Real | 60. | 2.4 | 5.58 | 2.22 |
2 | Andras Beres | 18422 | 1/4 | I work in reality! (imitation learning) | 60. | 3.6 | 16.74 | 2.92 |
3 | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17518 | 1/4 | baseline-RL-sim-pytorch | 60. | 30.4 | -3.1 | 2.49 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17491 | 1/4 | baseline-dagger-pytorch | 50. | 0.4 | 7.44 | 2.56 |
4 | Adrian Brucker | 18022 | 1/4 | baseline-dagger-pytorch | 48. | 1. | 8.68 | 2.19 |
This list includes repeated entries from the same user and the entries from the organizers.
#1 Sampsa Ranta 18190 | #9 Bea Baselines 17491 |
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Rank (user) | User | Submission | complete | User label | Survival time↑ | Major infractions ↓ | Traveled distance↑ | Lateral deviation ↓ |
1 | Sampsa Ranta | 18190 | 1/4 | Watch For The Birdie | 60. | 0. | 19.84 | 1.75 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18552 | 1/4 | Quack² - 0.3 Panda | 60. | 0.2 | 11.78 | 1.91 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18549 | 1/4 | Quack² - To Quack Or Not | 60. | 0.2 | 9.3 | 1.69 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18236 | 1/4 | Quack² - The Reworked | 60. | 0.6 | 11.78 | 1.57 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18253 | 1/4 | Quack² - Interesting | 60. | 0.6 | 11.78 | 1.65 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18263 | 1/4 | Quack² - For Real | 60. | 2.4 | 5.58 | 2.22 |
2 | Andras Beres | 18422 | 1/4 | I work in reality! (imitation learning) | 60. | 3.6 | 16.74 | 2.92 |
3 | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17518 | 1/4 | baseline-RL-sim-pytorch | 60. | 30.4 | -3.1 | 2.49 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17491 | 1/4 | baseline-dagger-pytorch | 50. | 0.4 | 7.44 | 2.56 |
4 | Adrian Brucker | 18022 | 1/4 | baseline-dagger-pytorch | 48. | 1. | 8.68 | 2.19 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18368 | 1/4 | Quack² - Thanks for All the Fish | 40. | 3. | 3.72 | 1.19 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18145 | 1/4 | Bug Reservoir | 38. | 1.4 | 13.64 | 1.62 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18551 | 1/4 | Quack² - Survivor | 38. | 2.4 | 4.34 | 1.06 |
5 | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 13524 | 1/4 | real-v1.0-3092-363 | 36. | 5.4 | 12.4 | 1.55 |
- | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 18359 | 1/4 | Ep. VI: Return of 3092 v0.6 | 34. | 0. | 9.92 | 1.87 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17600 | 1/4 | baseline-duckietown | 34. | 2.8 | 3.1 | 2.13 |
6 | Alim W.H. Prayuda | 18978 | 1/4 | exercises_braitenberg | 34. | 11.4 | 0.62 | 2.01 |
7 | Awni Altabaa | 17348 | 1/4 | exercises_braitenberg | 34. | 27.8 | 0.62 | 0.52 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18146 | 1/4 | Bugs Bunny | 32. | 1. | 11.16 | 1.71 |
- | Andras Beres | 18493 | 1/4 | I work in reality! (full state feedback) | 32. | 2.8 | 8.68 | 2.05 |
8 | ETU-JBR Team | 18051 | 1/4 | LF_sor_1 | 30. | 3.6 | 13.02 | 2.22 |
- | Andras Beres | 13584 | 1/4 | 202-1 | 24. | 1.6 | 7.44 | 1.63 |
- | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 13554 | 1/4 | real-v0.9-3092-363 | 24. | 5. | 7.44 | 0.99 |
- | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 13509 | 1/4 | real-v1.0-3091-310 | 24. | 7.4 | 7.44 | 0.89 |
- | Andras Beres | 13601 | 1/4 | fsf+il | 20. | 2.2 | 7.44 | 1.34 |
9 | David Bardos | 18498 | 1/4 | David-Bardos | 18. | 0. | 3.72 | 1.15 |
10 | Márton Tim 🇭🇺 | 13569 | 1/4 | 3626 | 18. | 2.8 | 6.2 | 1.02 |
11 | Bence Haromi | 18333 | 1/4 | 007-0.5 | 16. | 0. | 3.72 | 0.61 |
- | David Bardos | 18488 | 1/4 | David-Bardos | 16. | 0.4 | 3.72 | 0.89 |
- | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 18293 | 1/4 | Ep. VI: Return of 3092 v1.0 | 16. | 4.6 | 4.96 | 0.64 |
- | Bence Haromi | 18341 | 1/4 | 005-0.8 | 14. | 0.8 | 4.34 | 1.02 |
- | Andras Beres | 18087 | 1/4 | Imitation-Skip2 | 12. | 1. | 4.34 | 0.82 |
- | ETU-JBR Team | 18062 | 1/4 | LF_sor_1 | 12. | 1.6 | 3.72 | 0.75 |
- | Sampsa Ranta | 18544 | 1/4 | Quack² - To Quack Or Not | 12. | 2.4 | 1.86 | 0.46 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17582 | 1/4 | template-pytorch | 12. | 8.2 | 0.62 | 0.25 |
- | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 13539 | 1/4 | 3090 | 10. | 0.8 | 3.72 | 0.5 |
- | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 18164 | 1/4 | Ep. VI: Return of 3092 v1.0 | 10. | 1.2 | 3.72 | 0.48 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17564 | 1/4 | template-ros | 10. | 5.8 | 0.62 | 0.27 |
12 | Raphael Jean | 13630 | 1/4 | mobile-segmentation | 8. | 0.4 | 2.48 | 0.45 |
- | ETU-JBR Team | 18266 | 1/4 | +1m iter | 8. | 0.6 | 2.48 | 0.43 |
- | ETU-JBR Team | 18101 | 1/4 | +1m iter | 8. | 1.8 | 1.24 | 0.22 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 14823 | 1/4 | straight | 8. | 4.4 | 0.62 | 0.2 |
- | Andrea Censi 🇨🇭 | 14691 | 1/4 | straight | 8. | 4.4 | 0.62 | 0.2 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17652 | 1/4 | template-random | 4. | 1. | 0.62 | 0.18 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 17670 | 1/4 | minimal-agent | 4. | 1.6 | 0.62 | 0.13 |
13 | Adriano Almeida | 15564 | 1/4 | template-random | 4. | 2. | 0.62 | 0.09 |