Duckietown Challenges | Home | Challenges | Submissions |
This challenge is described in the detail in the book here
These are the metrics defined:
- reward
average reward over the episodes
No dependencies
At the beginning execute step step1-simulation
If step step1-simulation
has result success, then execute step step2-scoring
If step step1-simulation
has result failed, then declare the submission FAILED
If step step1-simulation
has result error, then declare the submission ERROR
If step step2-scoring
has result success, then declare the submission SUCCESS
If step step2-scoring
has result failed, then declare the submission FAILED
If step step2-scoring
has result error, then declare the submission ERROR
Timeout None
This is the Docker Compose configuration skeleton:
version: '3' services: solution: image: SUBMISSION_CONTAINER environment: {} evaluator: image: andreacensi/aido1_lf1-v3-evaluator:2018_10_12_12_50_03 environment: DTG_MAP: loop_obstacles DTG_EPISODES: '5' DTG_CHALLENGE: LF DTG_DOMAIN_RAND: '0' DTG_ENVIRONMENT: Duckietown-Lf-Lfv-Navv-Silent-v0 DTG_CAMERA_WIDTH: '160' DTG_CAMERA_HEIGHT: '120' DTG_STEPS_PER_EPISODE: '500'
will be replaced with the user containter.
RAM free (MB) | 80 |
Disk available (MB) | 100 |
Timeout None
This is the Docker Compose configuration skeleton:
version: '3' services: scorer: image: andreacensi/aido1_lf1-v3-evaluator:2018_10_11_23_14_51 environment: {}
will be replaced with the user containter.
RAM free (MB) | 80 |
Disk available (MB) | 100 |