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In the Fleet Size Championship, the goal is to reduce the fleet size as much as possible while keeping the total waiting time W below a fixed level.
The test scenario is San Francisco.
These are the metrics defined:
- fleet_size
Penalty for fleet size.
No dependencies
At the beginning execute step step1-simulation
If step step1-simulation
has result success, then execute step step2-scoring
If step step1-simulation
has result failed, then declare the submission FAILED
If step step1-simulation
has result error, then declare the submission ERROR
If step step2-scoring
has result success, then declare the submission SUCCESS
If step step2-scoring
has result failed, then declare the submission FAILED
If step step2-scoring
has result error, then declare the submission ERROR
Timeout None
This is the simulation step.
This is the Docker Compose configuration skeleton:
version: '3' services: solution: image: SUBMISSION_CONTAINER environment: {} aido-host: image: andreacensi/aido1_amod_fleet_size_r1-v3-step1-simulation-aido-host:2018_11_21_21_20_50 environment: SCENARIO: SanFrancisco.20080520 REQUESTS_SIZE: '500'
will be replaced with the user containter.
No particular resources required.
Timeout None
This step computes the actual scores.
This is the Docker Compose configuration skeleton:
version: '3' services: aido-scorer: image: andreacensi/aido1_amod_fleet_size_r1-v3-aido-scorer:2018_10_20_20_59_03 environment: {}
will be replaced with the user containter.
No particular resources required.