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Leaderboard for challenge "LFVI 🚗🚗🚦 - Lane following + Vehicles + Intersections (simulation 👾, testing 🥇) "

Last computed:

#1 Amaury Camus 3813#2 Donghoon Lee 3833#3 Junghyun Seo 3964
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Rank (user)UserSubmissioncompleteUser labelTraveled distance↑Survival time↑Lateral deviation ↓Major infractions ↓
1Amaury Camus 🇨🇭38131/1Let's do this one today1.
2Donghoon Lee38331/1challenge-aido_LF-template-pytorch0.622.0.080.2
3Junghyun Seo 🇨🇦39641/1Baseline solution using reinforcement learning0.622.0.10.
-Junghyun Seo 🇨🇦38541/1challenge-aido_LF-template-pytorch0.622.0.10.

Extended leaderboard

This list includes repeated entries from the same user and the entries from the organizers.

#1 Amaury Camus 3813#2 Donghoon Lee 3833#3 Junghyun Seo 3964
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Rank (user)UserSubmissioncompleteUser labelTraveled distance↑Survival time↑Lateral deviation ↓Major infractions ↓
1Amaury Camus 🇨🇭38131/1Let's do this one today1.
2Donghoon Lee38331/1challenge-aido_LF-template-pytorch0.622.0.080.2
3Junghyun Seo 🇨🇦39641/1Baseline solution using reinforcement learning0.622.0.10.
-Junghyun Seo 🇨🇦38541/1challenge-aido_LF-template-pytorch0.622.0.10.