Duckietown Challenges Home Challenges Submissions

Evaluator 5557

ownerAndrea Daniele 🇮🇹
first heard
last heard
# evaluating
# success15 122126
# timeout
# failed
# error
# aborted40 122121
# host-error
gpu available1
Number of processors32
Processor frequency (MHz)3.3 GHz
Free % of processors90%
RAM total (MB)125.8 GB
RAM free (MB)91.0 GB
Disk (MB)233.7 GB
Disk available (MB)32.9 GB
Docker Hub
Cloud simulations0
PI Camera0
# Duckiebots1
Map 3x3 avaiable
Number of duckies0
gpu cores
AIDO 2 Map LF public
AIDO 2 Map LF private
AIDO 2 Map LFV public
AIDO 2 Map LFV private
AIDO 2 Map LFVI public
AIDO 2 Map LFVI private
AIDO 3 Map LF public
AIDO 3 Map LF private
AIDO 3 Map LFV public
AIDO 3 Map LFV private
AIDO 3 Map LFVI public
AIDO 3 Map LFVI private
AIDO 5 Map large loop1
ETU track
for 2021, map is ETH_small_inter
IPFS mountpoint /ipfs available
IPNS mountpoint /ipns available

Evaluator jobs

Job IDsubmissionuseruser labelchallengestepstatusup to dateevaluatordate starteddate completeddurationmessage
12308518560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:47
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12308418560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:03
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12308218560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:05
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12308118560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:03
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12307018560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval2successyes330:03:58
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No reset possible
12306918561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:04
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12306618561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:05
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12306418561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:24
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12306318561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:09
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12306218561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:10
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12306018561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:03
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12305918561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:04
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12305818561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2abortedyes330:00:07
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12304918561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval2successyes330:02:53
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No reset possible
12304818560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval1abortedyes330:00:04
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12304718560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval1abortedyes330:00:04
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12304318560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval1abortedyes330:00:04
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12304218560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval1abortedyes330:00:08
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
12303018560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval1successyes330:04:06
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No reset possible
12302118561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval1successyes330:01:45
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No reset possible
12301918562ETU-JBR Teamfinalist 2021aido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:06
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12301818562ETU-JBR Teamfinalist 2021aido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:05
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
12301618562ETU-JBR Teamfinalist 2021aido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:38
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12301418562ETU-JBR Teamfinalist 2021aido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:04
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12301218562ETU-JBR Teamfinalist 2021aido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:03
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12300618562ETU-JBR Teamfinalist 2021aido-LF-real-validationeval0successyes330:02:03
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No reset possible
12300418560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:12
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12299718560Sampsa RantaQuack² - 3-2-1 Go Realaido-LF-real-validationeval0successyes330:05:21
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No reset possible
12299618561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:02:36
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12299518561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:03
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12299418561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:06
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12299318561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:08
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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No reset possible
12299118561Bence Haromibme-real-finalaido-LF-real-validationeval0abortedyes330:00:04
Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown