message | Uncaught exception:
[...]Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 59, in get_services_id
raise ZValueError(container_ids=container_ids, services=services, res=res, names=names)
β container_ids: [3b39d09f28e8494371a02a1aaa47746959273e0ca548fe302eca5c1de4dafeca]
β services: dict[3]
β β evaluator:
β β dict[7]
β β β image:
β β β environment:
β β β dict[11]
β β β β replica: {"index": 1, "total": 4}
β β β β experiment_manager_parameters:
β β β β |episodes_per_scenario: 1
β β β β |episode_length_s: 60.0
β β β β |min_episode_length_s: 0.0
β β β β |seed: 888
β β β β |physics_dt: 0.05
β β β β |max_failures: 2
β β β β |fifo_dir: /fifos
β β β β |sim_in: /fifos/simulator-in
β β β β |sim_out: /fifos/simulator-out
β β β β |sm_in: /fifos/scenario_maker-in
β β β β |sm_out: /fifos/scenario_maker-out
β β β β |timeout_initialization: 120
β β β β |timeout_regular: 120
β β β β |port: 10123
β β β β |scenarios:
β β β β |- /scenarios
β β β β |
β β β β challenge_name: aido-LF-sim-validation
β β β β challenge_step_name: sim-1of4
β β β β submission_id: 13641
β β β β submitter_name: Jean-SΓ©bastien Grondin
β β β β username: ubuntu
β β β β uid: 0
β β β β USER: ubuntu
β β β β HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
β β β ports: [10123]
β β β labels:
β β β dict[2]
β β β β org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true
β β β β org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255
β β β user: 0:0
β β β volumes:
β β β [
β β β /tmp/duckietown/aido-LF-sim-validation/submission13641/sim-1of4-nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255-job63550-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
β β β /tmp/duckietown/aido-LF-sim-validation/submission13641/sim-1of4-nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255-job63550-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
β β β /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/21_04_08_23_59_34-50463/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
β β β networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
β β simulator:
β β dict[6]
β β β image:
β β β environment:
β β β dict[13]
β β β β replica: {"index": 1, "total": 4}
β β β β |env_constructor: Simulator
β β β β |env_parameters:
β β β β | max_steps: 500001 # we don't want the gym to reset itself
β β β β | domain_rand: 0
β β β β | camera_width: 640
β β β β | camera_height: 480
β β β β | distortion: true
β β β β | num_tris_distractors: 0
β β β β | color_ground: [0, 0.3, 0] # green
β β β β | enable_leds: true
β β β β |
β β β β AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/simulator-in
β β β β AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/simulator-out
β β β β challenge_name: aido-LF-sim-validation
β β β β challenge_step_name: sim-1of4
β β β β submission_id: 13641
β β β β submitter_name: Jean-SΓ©bastien Grondin
β β β β username: ubuntu
β β β β uid: 0
β β β β USER: ubuntu
β β β β HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
β β β labels:
β β β dict[2]
β β β β org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true
β β β β org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255
β β β user: 0:0
β β β volumes:
β β β [
β β β /tmp/duckietown/aido-LF-sim-validation/submission13641/sim-1of4-nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255-job63550-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
β β β /tmp/duckietown/aido-LF-sim-validation/submission13641/sim-1of4-nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255-job63550-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
β β β /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/21_04_08_23_59_34-50463/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
β β β networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
β β solution-ego0:
β β dict[6]
β β β image:
β β β environment:
β β β dict[14]
β β β β replica: {"index": 1, "total": 4}
β β β β AIDONODE_NAME: ego0
β β β β AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/ego0-in
β β β β AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/ego0-out
β β β β challenge_name: aido-LF-sim-validation
β β β β challenge_step_name: sim-1of4
β β β β submission_id: 13641
β β β β submitter_name: Jean-SΓ©bastien Grondin
β β β β username: ubuntu
β β β β uid: 0
β β β β USER: ubuntu
β β β β HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
β β β labels:
β β β dict[2]
β β β β org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true
β β β β org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255
β β β user: 0:0
β β β volumes:
β β β [
β β β /tmp/duckietown/aido-LF-sim-validation/submission13641/sim-1of4-nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255-job63550-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
β β β /tmp/duckietown/aido-LF-sim-validation/submission13641/sim-1of4-nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255-job63550-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
β β β /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/21_04_08_23_59_34-50463/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
β β β networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
β res: {solution-ego0: 3b39d09f28e8494371a02a1aaa47746959273e0ca548fe302eca5c1de4dafeca}
β names: dict[1]
β β 3b39d09f28e8494371a02a1aaa47746959273e0ca548fe302eca5c1de4dafeca: nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255-job63550-943350_solution-ego0_1
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 745, in get_cr
cr = run_single(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 959, in run_single
write_logs(wd, project, services=config["services"])
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 120, in write_logs
services2id: Dict[ServiceName, ContainerID] = get_services_id(wd, project, services)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 63, in get_services_id
raise DockerComposeFail(msg, output=output.decode(), names=names) from e
duckietown_challenges_runner.docker_compose.DockerComposeFail: Cannot get process ids
β output: |3b39d09f28e8494371a02a1aaa47746959273e0ca548fe302eca5c1de4dafeca
β |
β names: dict[1]
β β 3b39d09f28e8494371a02a1aaa47746959273e0ca548fe302eca5c1de4dafeca: nogpu-production-b-1-04_abdc38a8a255-job63550-943350_solution-ego0_1