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Job 96488

Job ID96488
userBea Baselines 🐤
user labelchallenge-aido_LF-template-random:daffy:5acdcd6e3d04670336b19d16afd18fff3b32e890
up to dateyes
date started
date completed
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes/", line 49, in check_compatible_protocol
    raise IncompatibleProtocol(
zuper_nodes.compatibility.IncompatibleProtocol: For input "observations", cannot use type v2 as v1
│         k: observations
│        v1: dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20ObservationsWithTimestamp
│             field   camera : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImageWithTimestamp
│                               field  jpg_data : bytes
│                               field timestamp : float
│             field odometry : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20OdometryWithTimestamp
│                               field resolution_rad : float
│                               field  axis_left_rad : float
│                               field axis_right_rad : float
│                               field      timestamp : float
│        v2: dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Observations
│             field   camera : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImage
│                               field jpg_data : bytes
│                                      __doc__
│                                                        An image in JPG format.
│                                                        jpg_data
│             field odometry : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Odometry
│                               field resolution_rad : float
│                               field  axis_left_rad : float
│                               field axis_right_rad : float
│         r: CanBeUsed
│            │ result: False
│            │ why:
│            │ |Type <class 'aido_schemas.schemas.DB20ObservationsWithTimestamp'>
│            │ |  requires field "camera"
│            │ |  of type
│            │ |       <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImageWithTimestamp'>
│            │ |  but <class 'aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Observations'>
│            │ |  has annotated it as
│            │ |       <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImage'>
│            │ |  which cannot be used.
│            │ |
│            │ |assumption: ((<class 'aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Observations'>, <class 'aido_schemas.schemas.DB20ObservationsWithTimestamp'>),)
│            │ |
│            │ |> Type <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImageWithTimestamp'>
│            │ |>  requires field "timestamp"
│            │ |>   of type <class 'float'>
│            │ |>   but <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImage'> does not have it.
│            │ M: Matches()
│            │ matches: {}
│ p1_inputs: Dict[str,type][4]
│            │ seed: int
│            │ get_commands:
│            │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_agent.GetCommands
│            │  field at_time : float
│            │ observations:
│            │ dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20ObservationsWithTimestamp
│            │  field   camera : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImageWithTimestamp
│            │                    field  jpg_data : bytes
│            │                    field timestamp : float
│            │  field odometry : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20OdometryWithTimestamp
│            │                    field resolution_rad : float
│            │                    field  axis_left_rad : float
│            │                    field axis_right_rad : float
│            │                    field      timestamp : float
│            │ episode_start:
│            │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_agent.EpisodeStart
│            │  field episode_name : str
│            │             __doc__    Marker for the start of an episode.
│ p2_inputs: dict[4]
│            │ observations:
│            │ dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Observations
│            │  field   camera : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImage
│            │                    field jpg_data : bytes
│            │                           __doc__
│            │                                             An image in JPG format.
│            │
│            │                                             jpg_data
│            │  field odometry : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Odometry
│            │                    field resolution_rad : float
│            │                    field  axis_left_rad : float
│            │                    field axis_right_rad : float
│            │ seed: int
│            │ get_commands:
│            │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_agent.GetCommands
│            │  field at_time : float
│            │ episode_start:
│            │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_agent.EpisodeStart
│            │  field episode_name : str
│            │             __doc__    Marker for the start of an episode.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_experiment_manager/", line 196, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 122, in _get_node_protocol
    check_compatible_protocol(self.node_protocol, self.expect_protocol)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes/", line 67, in check_compatible_protocol
    raise IncompatibleProtocol(msg, p1=p1, p2=p2) from e
zuper_nodes.compatibility.IncompatibleProtocol: Cannot say that p1 is a sub-protocol of p2
│ p1: InteractionProtocol
│     │ description: Particularization for DB20 observations and commands and timestamps.
│     │ inputs:
│     │ Dict[str,type][4]
│     │ │ seed: int
│     │ │ get_commands:
│     │ │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_agent.GetCommands
│     │ │  field at_time : float
│     │ │ observations:
│     │ │ dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20ObservationsWithTimestamp
│     │ │  field   camera : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImageWithTimestamp
│     │ │                    field  jpg_data : bytes
│     │ │                    field timestamp : float
│     │ │  field odometry : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20OdometryWithTimestamp
│     │ │                    field resolution_rad : float
│     │ │                    field  axis_left_rad : float
│     │ │                    field axis_right_rad : float
│     │ │                    field      timestamp : float
│     │ │ episode_start:
│     │ │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_agent.EpisodeStart
│     │ │  field episode_name : str
│     │ │             __doc__    Marker for the start of an episode.
│     │ outputs:
│     │ Dict[str,type][1]
│     │ │ commands:
│     │ │ dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Commands
│     │ │  field wheels : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.PWMCommands
│     │ │                  field  motor_left : float
│     │ │                  field motor_right : float
│     │ │                            __doc__
│     │ │                                              PWM commands are floats between -1 and 1.
│     │ │  field   LEDS : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.LEDSCommands
│     │ │                  field      center : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ │                  field  front_left : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ │                  field front_right : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ │                  field   back_left : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ │                  field  back_right : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ language: (in:seed)? ; ((in:episode_start ; ((in:observations | (in:get_commands ; out:commands))*))*)
│ p2: InteractionProtocol
│     │ description: Particularization for DB20 observations and commands.
│     │ inputs:
│     │ dict[4]
│     │ │ observations:
│     │ │ dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Observations
│     │ │  field   camera : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.JPGImage
│     │ │                    field jpg_data : bytes
│     │ │                           __doc__
│     │ │                                             An image in JPG format.
│     │ │
│     │ │                                             jpg_data
│     │ │  field odometry : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Odometry
│     │ │                    field resolution_rad : float
│     │ │                    field  axis_left_rad : float
│     │ │                    field axis_right_rad : float
│     │ │ seed: int
│     │ │ get_commands:
│     │ │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_agent.GetCommands
│     │ │  field at_time : float
│     │ │ episode_start:
│     │ │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_agent.EpisodeStart
│     │ │  field episode_name : str
│     │ │             __doc__    Marker for the start of an episode.
│     │ outputs:
│     │ dict[1]
│     │ │ commands:
│     │ │ dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.DB20Commands
│     │ │  field wheels : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.PWMCommands
│     │ │                  field  motor_left : float
│     │ │                  field motor_right : float
│     │ │                            __doc__
│     │ │                                              PWM commands are floats between -1 and 1.
│     │ │  field   LEDS : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.LEDSCommands
│     │ │                  field      center : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ │                  field  front_left : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ │                  field front_right : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ │                  field   back_left : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ │                  field  back_right : dataclass aido_schemas.schemas.RGB
│     │ │                                       field       r : float
│     │ │                                       field       g : float
│     │ │                                       field       b : float
│     │ │                                             __doc__    Values between 0, 1.
│     │ language: (in:seed)? ; ((in:episode_start ; ((in:observations | (in:get_commands ; out:commands))*))*)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_experiment_manager/", line 68, in go
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_experiment_manager/", line 34, in wrap, logdir, attempts), debug=True)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 44, in run
    return loop.run_until_complete(main)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 616, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_experiment_manager/", line 201, in main
    raise InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: Could not get protocol for agent 'ego0'
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