Duckietown Challenges Home Challenges Submissions

Submission 10357

UserLiam Paull 🇨🇦
Date submitted
Last status update
Completenot complete
DetailsReady to do sanity-check.
Jobssanity-check: 59848
Next sanity-check
User labelexercise_ros_template
Admin priority50
User priority50

Evaluation jobs for this submission

See previous jobs for previous versions of challenges
Job IDstepstatusup to datedate starteddate completeddurationmessage
Uncaught exception: [...]
Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 59, in get_services_id
    raise ZValueError(container_ids=container_ids, services=services, res=res, names=names)

│ container_ids: [96c111f395209ce1204c8be4cfba9e1049c8e7f7ce8d5d7e3d6d0fd8921143a5,
│                 afb1ba4096032b084eb47e20fcb66a6ca9ff528d3da6f23b4236b07e09d0b510,
│                 25004b77cc2d9b62b31cf6b34a07761658180a74d9cb5a7ff79f45cc2dee2398]
│      services: dict[4]
│                │ solution:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/ego-in
│                │ │ │ AIDO_REQUIRE_GPU: 1
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/ego-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_15_10_21-9254/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ evaluator:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[10]
│                │ │ │ experiment_manager_parameters:
│                │ │ │ |episodes_per_scenario: 1
│                │ │ │ |episode_length_s: 0.5
│                │ │ │ |min_episode_length_s: 0.0
│                │ │ │ |seed: 20200922
│                │ │ │ |physics_dt: 0.05
│                │ │ │ |max_failures: 2
│                │ │ │ |fifo_dir: /fifos
│                │ │ │ |sim_in: /fifos/simulator-in
│                │ │ │ |sim_out: /fifos/simulator-out
│                │ │ │ |sm_in: /fifos/scenario_maker-in
│                │ │ │ |sm_out: /fifos/scenario_maker-out
│                │ │ │ |timeout_initialization: 120
│                │ │ │ |timeout_regular: 120
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ |port: 10123 # visualization port
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_15_10_21-9254/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ simulator:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_CONFIG:
│                │ │ │ |env_constructor: Simulator
│                │ │ │ |env_parameters:
│                │ │ │ |  max_steps: 500001 # we don't want the gym to reset itself
│                │ │ │ |  domain_rand: 0
│                │ │ │ |  camera_width: 640
│                │ │ │ |  camera_height: 480
│                │ │ │ |  distortion: true
│                │ │ │ |  num_tris_distractors: 0
│                │ │ │ |  color_ground: [0, 0.3, 0] # green
│                │ │ │ |  enable_leds: true
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/simulator-in
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/simulator-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_15_10_21-9254/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ scenario_maker:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_CONFIG:
│                │ │ │ |maps:
│                │ │ │ |- udem1
│                │ │ │ |scenarios_per_map: 1
│                │ │ │ |robots_npcs: []
│                │ │ │ |robots_pcs: [ego]
│                │ │ │ |robots_parked: [parked]
│                │ │ │ |nduckies: 1
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/scenario_maker-in
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/scenario_maker-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_15_10_21-9254/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│           res: dict[3]
│                │ evaluator: 96c111f395209ce1204c8be4cfba9e1049c8e7f7ce8d5d7e3d6d0fd8921143a5
│                │ simulator: afb1ba4096032b084eb47e20fcb66a6ca9ff528d3da6f23b4236b07e09d0b510
│                │ solution: 25004b77cc2d9b62b31cf6b34a07761658180a74d9cb5a7ff79f45cc2dee2398
│         names: dict[3]
│                │ 96c111f395209ce1204c8be4cfba9e1049c8e7f7ce8d5d7e3d6d0fd8921143a5: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-804650_evaluator_1
│                │ afb1ba4096032b084eb47e20fcb66a6ca9ff528d3da6f23b4236b07e09d0b510: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-804650_simulator_1
│                │ 25004b77cc2d9b62b31cf6b34a07761658180a74d9cb5a7ff79f45cc2dee2398: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-804650_solution_1

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 745, in get_cr
    cr = run_single(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 959, in run_single
    write_logs(wd, project, services=config["services"])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 120, in write_logs
    services2id: Dict[ServiceName, ContainerID] = get_services_id(wd, project, services)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 63, in get_services_id
    raise DockerComposeFail(msg, output=output.decode(), names=names) from e
duckietown_challenges_runner.docker_compose.DockerComposeFail: Cannot get process ids
│ output: |96c111f395209ce1204c8be4cfba9e1049c8e7f7ce8d5d7e3d6d0fd8921143a5
│         |afb1ba4096032b084eb47e20fcb66a6ca9ff528d3da6f23b4236b07e09d0b510
│         |25004b77cc2d9b62b31cf6b34a07761658180a74d9cb5a7ff79f45cc2dee2398
│         |
│  names: dict[3]
│         │ 96c111f395209ce1204c8be4cfba9e1049c8e7f7ce8d5d7e3d6d0fd8921143a5: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-804650_evaluator_1
│         │ afb1ba4096032b084eb47e20fcb66a6ca9ff528d3da6f23b4236b07e09d0b510: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-804650_simulator_1
│         │ 25004b77cc2d9b62b31cf6b34a07761658180a74d9cb5a7ff79f45cc2dee2398: nogpu-prod-01_d350a4009b87-job59848-804650_solution_1
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Uncaught exception: [...]
Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 59, in get_services_id
    raise ZValueError(container_ids=container_ids, services=services, res=res, names=names)

│ container_ids: [d52c96ab63fd767afd4b5563a848a7e54e59363d4b7de3620ed271a9fcf3f70c,
│                 a0abcbcd755d195374628103c08c5bf3fc08d124a863233edc109bbc17cd4774,
│                 ae56fe11c5b596e21dfc826547643693de128cecccda7acc9eabab035c272c8e]
│      services: dict[4]
│                │ solution:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/ego-in
│                │ │ │ AIDO_REQUIRE_GPU: 1
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/ego-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_14_06_40-48225/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ evaluator:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[10]
│                │ │ │ experiment_manager_parameters:
│                │ │ │ |episodes_per_scenario: 1
│                │ │ │ |episode_length_s: 0.5
│                │ │ │ |min_episode_length_s: 0.0
│                │ │ │ |seed: 20200922
│                │ │ │ |physics_dt: 0.05
│                │ │ │ |max_failures: 2
│                │ │ │ |fifo_dir: /fifos
│                │ │ │ |sim_in: /fifos/simulator-in
│                │ │ │ |sim_out: /fifos/simulator-out
│                │ │ │ |sm_in: /fifos/scenario_maker-in
│                │ │ │ |sm_out: /fifos/scenario_maker-out
│                │ │ │ |timeout_initialization: 120
│                │ │ │ |timeout_regular: 120
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ |port: 10123 # visualization port
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_14_06_40-48225/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ simulator:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_CONFIG:
│                │ │ │ |env_constructor: Simulator
│                │ │ │ |env_parameters:
│                │ │ │ |  max_steps: 500001 # we don't want the gym to reset itself
│                │ │ │ |  domain_rand: 0
│                │ │ │ |  camera_width: 640
│                │ │ │ |  camera_height: 480
│                │ │ │ |  distortion: true
│                │ │ │ |  num_tris_distractors: 0
│                │ │ │ |  color_ground: [0, 0.3, 0] # green
│                │ │ │ |  enable_leds: true
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/simulator-in
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/simulator-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_14_06_40-48225/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ scenario_maker:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_CONFIG:
│                │ │ │ |maps:
│                │ │ │ |- udem1
│                │ │ │ |scenarios_per_map: 1
│                │ │ │ |robots_npcs: []
│                │ │ │ |robots_pcs: [ego]
│                │ │ │ |robots_parked: [parked]
│                │ │ │ |nduckies: 1
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/scenario_maker-in
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/scenario_maker-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_14_06_40-48225/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│           res: dict[3]
│                │ evaluator: d52c96ab63fd767afd4b5563a848a7e54e59363d4b7de3620ed271a9fcf3f70c
│                │ simulator: a0abcbcd755d195374628103c08c5bf3fc08d124a863233edc109bbc17cd4774
│                │ solution: ae56fe11c5b596e21dfc826547643693de128cecccda7acc9eabab035c272c8e
│         names: dict[3]
│                │ d52c96ab63fd767afd4b5563a848a7e54e59363d4b7de3620ed271a9fcf3f70c: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-543599_evaluator_1
│                │ a0abcbcd755d195374628103c08c5bf3fc08d124a863233edc109bbc17cd4774: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-543599_simulator_1
│                │ ae56fe11c5b596e21dfc826547643693de128cecccda7acc9eabab035c272c8e: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-543599_solution_1

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 745, in get_cr
    cr = run_single(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 959, in run_single
    write_logs(wd, project, services=config["services"])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 120, in write_logs
    services2id: Dict[ServiceName, ContainerID] = get_services_id(wd, project, services)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 63, in get_services_id
    raise DockerComposeFail(msg, output=output.decode(), names=names) from e
duckietown_challenges_runner.docker_compose.DockerComposeFail: Cannot get process ids
│ output: |d52c96ab63fd767afd4b5563a848a7e54e59363d4b7de3620ed271a9fcf3f70c
│         |a0abcbcd755d195374628103c08c5bf3fc08d124a863233edc109bbc17cd4774
│         |ae56fe11c5b596e21dfc826547643693de128cecccda7acc9eabab035c272c8e
│         |
│  names: dict[3]
│         │ d52c96ab63fd767afd4b5563a848a7e54e59363d4b7de3620ed271a9fcf3f70c: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-543599_evaluator_1
│         │ a0abcbcd755d195374628103c08c5bf3fc08d124a863233edc109bbc17cd4774: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-543599_simulator_1
│         │ ae56fe11c5b596e21dfc826547643693de128cecccda7acc9eabab035c272c8e: nogpu-prod-01_125032bfc5b5-job59840-543599_solution_1
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Uncaught exception: [...]
Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 59, in get_services_id
    raise ZValueError(container_ids=container_ids, services=services, res=res, names=names)

│ container_ids: [e848bc0b768482dc073e839482f2bf9f55bc35c0a536f0e5977c1b5cf729f2bc,
│                 5129649a6980f4a62cf17abbcf0b5f957aff28955d05c17c3425fabb8b4839da,
│                 f8ffc2b1da601a0aa149f57817da0c85da9d1904ca5536e2f96a863d9481fb1e]
│      services: dict[4]
│                │ solution:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/ego-in
│                │ │ │ AIDO_REQUIRE_GPU: 1
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/ego-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_13_02_54-19644/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ evaluator:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[10]
│                │ │ │ experiment_manager_parameters:
│                │ │ │ |episodes_per_scenario: 1
│                │ │ │ |episode_length_s: 0.5
│                │ │ │ |min_episode_length_s: 0.0
│                │ │ │ |seed: 20200922
│                │ │ │ |physics_dt: 0.05
│                │ │ │ |max_failures: 2
│                │ │ │ |fifo_dir: /fifos
│                │ │ │ |sim_in: /fifos/simulator-in
│                │ │ │ |sim_out: /fifos/simulator-out
│                │ │ │ |sm_in: /fifos/scenario_maker-in
│                │ │ │ |sm_out: /fifos/scenario_maker-out
│                │ │ │ |timeout_initialization: 120
│                │ │ │ |timeout_regular: 120
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ |port: 10123 # visualization port
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_13_02_54-19644/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ simulator:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_CONFIG:
│                │ │ │ |env_constructor: Simulator
│                │ │ │ |env_parameters:
│                │ │ │ |  max_steps: 500001 # we don't want the gym to reset itself
│                │ │ │ |  domain_rand: 0
│                │ │ │ |  camera_width: 640
│                │ │ │ |  camera_height: 480
│                │ │ │ |  distortion: true
│                │ │ │ |  num_tris_distractors: 0
│                │ │ │ |  color_ground: [0, 0.3, 0] # green
│                │ │ │ |  enable_leds: true
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/simulator-in
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/simulator-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_13_02_54-19644/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│                │ scenario_maker:
│                │ dict[6]
│                │ │ image:
│                │ │ environment:
│                │ │ dict[12]
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_CONFIG:
│                │ │ │ |maps:
│                │ │ │ |- udem1
│                │ │ │ |scenarios_per_map: 1
│                │ │ │ |robots_npcs: []
│                │ │ │ |robots_pcs: [ego]
│                │ │ │ |robots_parked: [parked]
│                │ │ │ |nduckies: 1
│                │ │ │ |
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_IN: /fifos/scenario_maker-in
│                │ │ │ AIDONODE_DATA_OUT: fifo:/fifos/scenario_maker-out
│                │ │ │ challenge_name: aido5-LF-sanity
│                │ │ │ challenge_step_name: sanity-check
│                │ │ │ submission_id: 10357
│                │ │ │ submitter_name: Liam Paull
│                │ │ │ SUBMISSION_CONTAINER:
│                │ │ │ username: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ uid: 0
│                │ │ │ USER: ubuntu
│                │ │ │ HOME: /fake-home/ubuntu
│                │ │ labels: {org.duckietown.created_by_runner: true, org.duckietown.runner_name: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e}
│                │ │ user: 0:0
│                │ │ volumes:
│                │ │ [
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-a-wd:/challenges:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/aido5-LF-sanity/submission10357/sanity-check-nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-a-fifos:/fifos:rw,
│                │ │  /tmp/duckietown/dt-challenges-runner/20_12_05_13_02_54-19644/fake-ubuntu-home:/fake-home/ubuntu:rw]
│                │ │ networks: {evaluation: {aliases: [evaluation]} }
│           res: dict[3]
│                │ evaluator: e848bc0b768482dc073e839482f2bf9f55bc35c0a536f0e5977c1b5cf729f2bc
│                │ simulator: 5129649a6980f4a62cf17abbcf0b5f957aff28955d05c17c3425fabb8b4839da
│                │ solution: f8ffc2b1da601a0aa149f57817da0c85da9d1904ca5536e2f96a863d9481fb1e
│         names: dict[3]
│                │ e848bc0b768482dc073e839482f2bf9f55bc35c0a536f0e5977c1b5cf729f2bc: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-528013_evaluator_1
│                │ 5129649a6980f4a62cf17abbcf0b5f957aff28955d05c17c3425fabb8b4839da: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-528013_simulator_1
│                │ f8ffc2b1da601a0aa149f57817da0c85da9d1904ca5536e2f96a863d9481fb1e: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-528013_solution_1

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 745, in get_cr
    cr = run_single(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 959, in run_single
    write_logs(wd, project, services=config["services"])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 120, in write_logs
    services2id: Dict[ServiceName, ContainerID] = get_services_id(wd, project, services)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 63, in get_services_id
    raise DockerComposeFail(msg, output=output.decode(), names=names) from e
duckietown_challenges_runner.docker_compose.DockerComposeFail: Cannot get process ids
│ output: |e848bc0b768482dc073e839482f2bf9f55bc35c0a536f0e5977c1b5cf729f2bc
│         |5129649a6980f4a62cf17abbcf0b5f957aff28955d05c17c3425fabb8b4839da
│         |f8ffc2b1da601a0aa149f57817da0c85da9d1904ca5536e2f96a863d9481fb1e
│         |
│  names: dict[3]
│         │ e848bc0b768482dc073e839482f2bf9f55bc35c0a536f0e5977c1b5cf729f2bc: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-528013_evaluator_1
│         │ 5129649a6980f4a62cf17abbcf0b5f957aff28955d05c17c3425fabb8b4839da: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-528013_simulator_1
│         │ f8ffc2b1da601a0aa149f57817da0c85da9d1904ca5536e2f96a863d9481fb1e: nogpu-prod-08_00a1f415cc0e-job59135-528013_solution_1
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