Job ID step status up to date date started date completed duration message 12613
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-23 00:13:29+00:00 2018-11-23 00:18:15+00:00 0:04:46 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
driven_lanedir_median 10.32070021943652 deviation-center-line_median 1.5658475938072636 in-drivable-lane_median 7.16666666666668
other stats deviation-center-line_max 2.078265332141114 deviation-center-line_mean 1.6713750134761116 deviation-center-line_min 1.4384683655675716 deviation-heading_max 2.010545734038811 deviation-heading_mean 1.6317532570649995 deviation-heading_median 1.4665210617537594 deviation-heading_min 1.2206548003256978 driven_any_max 18.993661296728856 driven_any_mean 18.126369847435136 driven_any_median 18.120311329865785 driven_any_min 17.116361206809593 driven_lanedir_max 13.1559044208201 driven_lanedir_mean 10.315113841062503 driven_lanedir_min 7.773495302202617 in-drivable-lane_max 8.833333333333336 in-drivable-lane_mean 7.066666666666668 in-drivable-lane_min 5.000000000000004 per-episodes details {"ep000": {"driven_any": 17.92328899048052, "driven_lanedir": 10.32070021943652, "in-drivable-lane": 7.16666666666668, "deviation-heading": 1.4644262886602195, "deviation-center-line": 1.7562792151686295}, "ep001": {"driven_any": 18.993661296728856, "driven_lanedir": 13.1559044208201, "in-drivable-lane": 5.000000000000004, "deviation-heading": 1.2206548003256978, "deviation-center-line": 2.078265332141114}, "ep002": {"driven_any": 18.120311329865785, "driven_lanedir": 9.9644945216226, "in-drivable-lane": 7.433333333333318, "deviation-heading": 1.4665210617537594, "deviation-center-line": 1.5658475938072636}, "ep003": {"driven_any": 17.116361206809593, "driven_lanedir": 7.773495302202617, "in-drivable-lane": 8.833333333333336, "deviation-heading": 1.9966184005465089, "deviation-center-line": 1.4384683655675716}, "ep004": {"driven_any": 18.478226413290933, "driven_lanedir": 10.36097474123068, "in-drivable-lane": 6.900000000000002, "deviation-heading": 2.010545734038811, "deviation-center-line": 1.5180145606959787}}
No reset possible 12608
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-23 00:10:46+00:00 2018-11-23 00:13:23+00:00 0:02:37 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 12605
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-23 00:10:17+00:00 2018-11-23 00:10:39+00:00 0:00:22 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
survival_time_median 16.666666666666654
other stats episodes details {"ep000": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.05107796438131482, "good_angle": 4.136959759486498, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 18, "valid_direction": 2.36666666666666}, "ep001": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.20747778938384728, "good_angle": 0.7708994316561687, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 18, "valid_direction": 1.5999999999999992}, "ep002": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": -0.1477279337364962, "good_angle": 18.569916502010315, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 18, "valid_direction": 3.699999999999989}, "ep003": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": -0.33617033969584736, "good_angle": 22.822762447378192, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 16, "valid_direction": 5.033333333333331}, "ep004": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.17864827426272678, "good_angle": 1.3380673054693848, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 18, "valid_direction": 2.700000000000013}}good_angle_max 22.822762447378192 good_angle_mean 9.527721089200112 good_angle_median 4.136959759486498 good_angle_min 0.7708994316561687 reward_max 0.20747778938384728 reward_mean -0.009338849080890948 reward_median 0.05107796438131482 reward_min -0.33617033969584736 survival_time_max 16.666666666666654 survival_time_mean 16.666666666666654 survival_time_min 16.666666666666654 traveled_tiles_max 18 traveled_tiles_mean 17.6 traveled_tiles_median 18 traveled_tiles_min 16 valid_direction_max 5.033333333333331 valid_direction_mean 3.0799999999999987 valid_direction_median 2.700000000000013 valid_direction_min 1.5999999999999992
No reset possible 12586
step1-simulation success yes 2018-11-22 23:59:06+00:00 2018-11-23 00:10:03+00:00 0:10:57 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8849
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-14 21:36:13+00:00 2018-11-14 21:39:57+00:00 0:03:44 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8848
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-14 21:36:11+00:00 2018-11-14 21:39:57+00:00 0:03:46 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8847
step4-viz timeout yes 2018-11-14 21:36:09+00:00 2018-11-14 22:07:09+00:00 0:31:00 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8846
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-14 21:36:05+00:00 2018-11-14 21:39:55+00:00 0:03:50 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8843
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-14 21:25:15+00:00 2018-11-14 21:36:02+00:00 0:10:47 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8842
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-14 21:24:54+00:00 2018-11-14 21:25:14+00:00 0:00:20 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8841
step2-scoring aborted yes 2018-11-14 21:24:54+00:00 2018-11-14 21:25:05+00:00 0:00:11 Error while running [...]
Creating job8841-4536_scorer_1 ... error
stderr | ERROR: for job8841-4536_scorer_1 Cannot start service scorer: network job8841-4536_evaluation not found
stderr |
stderr | ERROR: for scorer Cannot start service scorer: network job8841-4536_evaluation not found
stderr | Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
stderr |
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8840
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-14 21:24:53+00:00 2018-11-14 21:25:13+00:00 0:00:20 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 8839
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-14 21:24:51+00:00 2018-11-14 21:25:12+00:00 0:00:21 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible