Job ID | step | status | up to date | date started | date completed | duration | message | | |
56375 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:34:02 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | driven_lanedir_consec_median | 7.699242061385539 | survival_time_median | 33.64999999999935 | deviation-center-line_median | 1.6113918751975642 | in-drivable-lane_median | 0.6749999999999976 |
other statsagent_compute-ego0_max | 0.0490106319894596 | agent_compute-ego0_mean | 0.0462070826829917 | agent_compute-ego0_median | 0.0462070826829917 | agent_compute-ego0_min | 0.04340353337652379 | agent_compute-npc0_max | 0.041184113087205466 | agent_compute-npc0_mean | 0.039649482055540294 | agent_compute-npc0_median | 0.039649482055540294 | agent_compute-npc0_min | 0.03811485102387513 | agent_compute-npc1_max | 0.04352186502366141 | agent_compute-npc1_mean | 0.04092439833608766 | agent_compute-npc1_median | 0.04092439833608766 | agent_compute-npc1_min | 0.0383269316485139 | agent_compute-npc2_max | 0.042536741490169526 | agent_compute-npc2_mean | 0.04049869919467139 | agent_compute-npc2_median | 0.04049869919467139 | agent_compute-npc2_min | 0.038460656899173246 | complete-iteration_max | 1.305956402603461 | complete-iteration_mean | 1.1783461971824547 | complete-iteration_median | 1.1783461971824547 | complete-iteration_min | 1.0507359917614485 | deviation-center-line_max | 2.8305007562607853 | deviation-center-line_mean | 1.6113918751975642 | deviation-center-line_min | 0.3922829941343432 | deviation-heading_max | 10.829028225443134 | deviation-heading_mean | 6.452009420831732 | deviation-heading_median | 6.452009420831732 | deviation-heading_min | 2.0749906162203295 | driven_any_max | 14.590269734375006 | driven_any_mean | 8.060581239889531 | driven_any_median | 8.060581239889531 | driven_any_min | 1.5308927454040566 | driven_lanedir_consec_max | 14.2852209595819 | driven_lanedir_consec_mean | 7.699242061385539 | driven_lanedir_consec_min | 1.1132631631891798 | driven_lanedir_max | 14.285221064869503 | driven_lanedir_mean | 7.699952379115072 | driven_lanedir_median | 7.699952379115072 | driven_lanedir_min | 1.1146836933606394 | get_duckie_state_max | 1.493765383350606e-06 | get_duckie_state_mean | 1.4440734075826198e-06 | get_duckie_state_median | 1.4440734075826198e-06 | get_duckie_state_min | 1.3943814318146335e-06 | get_robot_state_max | 0.014940196965016476 | get_robot_state_mean | 0.014533956600494023 | get_robot_state_median | 0.014533956600494023 | get_robot_state_min | 0.01412771623597157 | get_state_dump_max | 0.009979900048703564 | get_state_dump_mean | 0.009684996577856335 | get_state_dump_median | 0.009684996577856335 | get_state_dump_min | 0.009390093107009112 | get_ui_image_max | 0.05213805283007979 | get_ui_image_mean | 0.05150617787764882 | get_ui_image_median | 0.05150617787764882 | get_ui_image_min | 0.05087430292521786 | in-drivable-lane_max | 1.3499999999999952 | in-drivable-lane_mean | 0.6749999999999976 | in-drivable-lane_min | 0.0 | per-episodes | details{"LFVI-norm-4way-000-ego0": {"driven_any": 14.590269734375006, "get_ui_image": 0.05087430292521786, "step_physics": 0.7319630780486044, "survival_time": 59.99999999999873, "driven_lanedir": 14.285221064869503, "get_state_dump": 0.009390093107009112, "get_robot_state": 0.01412771623597157, "sim_render-ego0": 0.003937299602930988, "sim_render-npc0": 0.003870021889946244, "sim_render-npc1": 0.0038459741701988457, "sim_render-npc2": 0.003914459460383152, "get_duckie_state": 1.3943814318146335e-06, "in-drivable-lane": 0.0, "deviation-heading": 10.829028225443134, "agent_compute-ego0": 0.04340353337652379, "agent_compute-npc0": 0.041184113087205466, "agent_compute-npc1": 0.04352186502366141, "agent_compute-npc2": 0.042536741490169526, "complete-iteration": 1.0507359917614485, "set_robot_commands": 0.002270697554779688, "deviation-center-line": 2.8305007562607853, "driven_lanedir_consec": 14.2852209595819, "sim_compute_sim_state": 0.04104001357295333, "sim_compute_performance-ego0": 0.0020881908124531436, "sim_compute_performance-npc0": 0.00195194501662433, "sim_compute_performance-npc1": 0.0019327798155721876, "sim_compute_performance-npc2": 0.0019648194213790957}, "LFVI-norm-udem1-000-ego0": {"driven_any": 1.5308927454040566, "get_ui_image": 0.05213805283007979, "step_physics": 0.9866156091495436, "survival_time": 7.299999999999982, "driven_lanedir": 1.1146836933606394, "get_state_dump": 0.009979900048703564, "get_robot_state": 0.014940196965016476, "sim_render-ego0": 0.004074643258334828, "sim_render-npc0": 0.004125053379811397, "sim_render-npc1": 0.004058946557596427, "sim_render-npc2": 0.004039311895565111, "get_duckie_state": 1.493765383350606e-06, "in-drivable-lane": 1.3499999999999952, "deviation-heading": 2.0749906162203295, "agent_compute-ego0": 0.0490106319894596, "agent_compute-npc0": 0.03811485102387513, "agent_compute-npc1": 0.0383269316485139, "agent_compute-npc2": 0.038460656899173246, "complete-iteration": 1.305956402603461, "set_robot_commands": 0.0023806743881329387, "deviation-center-line": 0.3922829941343432, "driven_lanedir_consec": 1.1132631631891798, "sim_compute_sim_state": 0.04391206851621874, "sim_compute_performance-ego0": 0.0022602081298828125, "sim_compute_performance-npc0": 0.0020450296856108167, "sim_compute_performance-npc1": 0.0020133183926952128, "sim_compute_performance-npc2": 0.0020596932391731106}} | set_robot_commands_max | 0.0023806743881329387 | set_robot_commands_mean | 0.002325685971456313 | set_robot_commands_median | 0.002325685971456313 | set_robot_commands_min | 0.002270697554779688 | sim_compute_performance-ego0_max | 0.0022602081298828125 | sim_compute_performance-ego0_mean | 0.002174199471167978 | sim_compute_performance-ego0_median | 0.002174199471167978 | sim_compute_performance-ego0_min | 0.0020881908124531436 | sim_compute_performance-npc0_max | 0.0020450296856108167 | sim_compute_performance-npc0_mean | 0.0019984873511175736 | sim_compute_performance-npc0_median | 0.0019984873511175736 | sim_compute_performance-npc0_min | 0.00195194501662433 | sim_compute_performance-npc1_max | 0.0020133183926952128 | sim_compute_performance-npc1_mean | 0.0019730491041337 | sim_compute_performance-npc1_median | 0.0019730491041337 | sim_compute_performance-npc1_min | 0.0019327798155721876 | sim_compute_performance-npc2_max | 0.0020596932391731106 | sim_compute_performance-npc2_mean | 0.002012256330276103 | sim_compute_performance-npc2_median | 0.002012256330276103 | sim_compute_performance-npc2_min | 0.0019648194213790957 | sim_compute_sim_state_max | 0.04391206851621874 | sim_compute_sim_state_mean | 0.042476041044586035 | sim_compute_sim_state_median | 0.042476041044586035 | sim_compute_sim_state_min | 0.04104001357295333 | sim_render-ego0_max | 0.004074643258334828 | sim_render-ego0_mean | 0.004005971430632908 | sim_render-ego0_median | 0.004005971430632908 | sim_render-ego0_min | 0.003937299602930988 | sim_render-npc0_max | 0.004125053379811397 | sim_render-npc0_mean | 0.00399753763487882 | sim_render-npc0_median | 0.00399753763487882 | sim_render-npc0_min | 0.003870021889946244 | sim_render-npc1_max | 0.004058946557596427 | sim_render-npc1_mean | 0.0039524603638976365 | sim_render-npc1_median | 0.0039524603638976365 | sim_render-npc1_min | 0.0038459741701988457 | sim_render-npc2_max | 0.004039311895565111 | sim_render-npc2_mean | 0.003976885677974131 | sim_render-npc2_median | 0.003976885677974131 | sim_render-npc2_min | 0.003914459460383152 | simulation-passed | 1 | step_physics_max | 0.9866156091495436 | step_physics_mean | 0.859289343599074 | step_physics_median | 0.859289343599074 | step_physics_min | 0.7319630780486044 | survival_time_max | 59.99999999999873 | survival_time_mean | 33.64999999999935 | survival_time_min | 7.299999999999982 |
| No reset possible |
56364 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:34:19 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
56344 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:40:23 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
56332 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:31:57 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
56320 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:30:20 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
56314 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:35:10 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
55812 | LFVIv-sim | timeout | yes | | | 0:41:18 | Timeout because eval [...]Timeout because evaluator contacted us
| Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
55810 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:32:35 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
55805 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:33:18 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
55784 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:35:09 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
55779 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:33:49 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |