53546 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:02:17 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | driven_lanedir_consec_median | 0.26292296557616435 | survival_time_median | 2.3249999999999997 | deviation-center-line_median | 0.05971403412671816 | in-drivable-lane_median | 1.1499999999999997 |
other statsagent_compute-ego0_max | 0.05918248133225874 | agent_compute-ego0_mean | 0.036226735926779406 | agent_compute-ego0_median | 0.036226735926779406 | agent_compute-ego0_min | 0.013270990521300072 | complete-iteration_max | 0.3276578025384383 | complete-iteration_mean | 0.3024293722422153 | complete-iteration_median | 0.3024293722422153 | complete-iteration_min | 0.27720094194599226 | deviation-center-line_max | 0.06969676999390442 | deviation-center-line_mean | 0.05971403412671816 | deviation-center-line_min | 0.049731298259531896 | deviation-heading_max | 0.5000886197624697 | deviation-heading_mean | 0.45824987158158464 | deviation-heading_median | 0.45824987158158464 | deviation-heading_min | 0.4164111234006996 | driven_any_max | 0.6472976014111754 | driven_any_mean | 0.5252193356206163 | driven_any_median | 0.5252193356206163 | driven_any_min | 0.4031410698300571 | driven_lanedir_consec_max | 0.3202063921134737 | driven_lanedir_consec_mean | 0.26292296557616435 | driven_lanedir_consec_min | 0.205639539038855 | driven_lanedir_max | 0.3202063921134737 | driven_lanedir_mean | 0.26292296557616435 | driven_lanedir_median | 0.26292296557616435 | driven_lanedir_min | 0.205639539038855 | get_duckie_state_max | 1.2949401257084866e-06 | get_duckie_state_mean | 1.2597723228196195e-06 | get_duckie_state_median | 1.2597723228196195e-06 | get_duckie_state_min | 1.224604519930753e-06 | get_robot_state_max | 0.003643761981617321 | get_robot_state_mean | 0.0035848695114122143 | get_robot_state_median | 0.0035848695114122143 | get_robot_state_min | 0.003525977041207108 | get_state_dump_max | 0.00451527400450273 | get_state_dump_mean | 0.004415367216987406 | get_state_dump_median | 0.004415367216987406 | get_state_dump_min | 0.004315460429472082 | get_ui_image_max | 0.03801314397291704 | get_ui_image_mean | 0.03749298528766462 | get_ui_image_median | 0.03749298528766462 | get_ui_image_min | 0.03697282660241221 | in-drivable-lane_max | 1.4499999999999988 | in-drivable-lane_mean | 1.1499999999999997 | in-drivable-lane_min | 0.8499999999999999 | per-episodes | details{"LFI-full-4way-000-ego0": {"driven_any": 0.4031410698300571, "get_ui_image": 0.03801314397291704, "step_physics": 0.2036360664801164, "survival_time": 2.1500000000000004, "driven_lanedir": 0.3202063921134737, "get_state_dump": 0.00451527400450273, "get_robot_state": 0.003643761981617321, "sim_render-ego0": 0.004256416450847279, "get_duckie_state": 1.224604519930753e-06, "in-drivable-lane": 0.8499999999999999, "deviation-heading": 0.4164111234006996, "agent_compute-ego0": 0.05918248133225874, "complete-iteration": 0.3276578025384383, "set_robot_commands": 0.002672997387972745, "deviation-center-line": 0.06969676999390442, "driven_lanedir_consec": 0.3202063921134737, "sim_compute_sim_state": 0.00945535031231967, "sim_compute_performance-ego0": 0.002203188159249046}, "LFI-full-udem1-000-ego0": {"driven_any": 0.6472976014111754, "get_ui_image": 0.03697282660241221, "step_physics": 0.20203345897150973, "survival_time": 2.499999999999999, "driven_lanedir": 0.205639539038855, "get_state_dump": 0.004315460429472082, "get_robot_state": 0.003525977041207108, "sim_render-ego0": 0.003728632833443436, "get_duckie_state": 1.2949401257084866e-06, "in-drivable-lane": 1.4499999999999988, "deviation-heading": 0.5000886197624697, "agent_compute-ego0": 0.013270990521300072, "complete-iteration": 0.27720094194599226, "set_robot_commands": 0.002154682196822821, "deviation-center-line": 0.049731298259531896, "driven_lanedir_consec": 0.205639539038855, "sim_compute_sim_state": 0.009185459099563895, "sim_compute_performance-ego0": 0.001933555977017272}} | set_robot_commands_max | 0.002672997387972745 | set_robot_commands_mean | 0.002413839792397783 | set_robot_commands_median | 0.002413839792397783 | set_robot_commands_min | 0.002154682196822821 | sim_compute_performance-ego0_max | 0.002203188159249046 | sim_compute_performance-ego0_mean | 0.0020683720681331586 | sim_compute_performance-ego0_median | 0.0020683720681331586 | sim_compute_performance-ego0_min | 0.001933555977017272 | sim_compute_sim_state_max | 0.00945535031231967 | sim_compute_sim_state_mean | 0.009320404705941783 | sim_compute_sim_state_median | 0.009320404705941783 | sim_compute_sim_state_min | 0.009185459099563895 | sim_render-ego0_max | 0.004256416450847279 | sim_render-ego0_mean | 0.003992524642145358 | sim_render-ego0_median | 0.003992524642145358 | sim_render-ego0_min | 0.003728632833443436 | simulation-passed | 1 | step_physics_max | 0.2036360664801164 | step_physics_mean | 0.20283476272581308 | step_physics_median | 0.20283476272581308 | step_physics_min | 0.20203345897150973 | survival_time_max | 2.499999999999999 | survival_time_mean | 2.3249999999999997 | survival_time_min | 2.1500000000000004 |
| No reset possible |
53540 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:02:18 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
53538 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:02:17 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
53534 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:02:16 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
53532 | LFVIv-sim | success | yes | | | 0:04:02 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |