Duckietown Challenges Home Challenges Submissions

Submission 15748

Competinguser retired
UserAndrea Daniele 🇮🇹
Date submitted
Last status update-
Detailsstatus not computed yet
User labelbaseline-duckietown
Admin priority90
User priority90

Status not computed yet.

Evaluation jobs for this submission

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all ok, 8 bags proce [...]
all ok, 8 bags processed
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown [...]
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==> Entrypoint Netwo [...]
==> Entrypoint
Network configured successfully.
INFO: ROBOT_TYPE is externally set to 'duckiebot'.
Forcing ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
<== Entrypoint
DEBUG:commons:version: 6.1.7 *
INFO:typing:version: 6.1.8
DEBUG:aido_schemas:aido-protocols version 6.0.41 path /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages
roscore/master is not yet running, will wait for it to start
master has started, initiating launch
... logging to /root/.ros/log/c8523010-c4c0-11eb-8d57-0242ac110003/roslaunch-62958896ce3a-111.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server


 * /myrobot/anti_instagram_node/color_balance_scale: 0.8
 * /myrobot/anti_instagram_node/interval: 5
 * /myrobot/anti_instagram_node/output_scale: 0.2
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/joystick_override_off/msg_type: BoolStamped
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/joystick_override_off/topic: joy_mapper_node/j...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/joystick_override_off/trigger: False
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/joystick_override_on/msg_type: BoolStamped
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/joystick_override_on/topic: joy_mapper_node/j...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/joystick_override_on/trigger: True
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/obstacle_cleared/msg_type: BoolStamped
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/obstacle_cleared/topic: road_anomaly_watc...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/obstacle_cleared/trigger: False
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/obstacle_exists/msg_type: BoolStamped
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/obstacle_exists/topic: road_anomaly_watc...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/events/obstacle_exists/trigger: True
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/global_transitions/joystick_override_off: LANE_FOLLOWING
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/global_transitions/joystick_override_on: NORMAL_JOYSTICK_C...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/initial_state: NORMAL_JOYSTICK_C...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/anti_instagram: anti_instagram_no...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/decoder_node: decoder_node/switch
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/framerate_high: camera_node/frame...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/lane_controller_node: lane_controller_n...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/lane_filter_node: lane_filter_node/...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/line_detector_node: line_detector_nod...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/static_object_detector_node: static_object_det...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/vehicle_avoidance_control_node: vehicle_avoidance...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/vehicle_detection_node: vehicle_detection...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/nodes/vehicle_filter_node: vehicle_filter_no...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/LANE_FOLLOWING/active_nodes: ['anti_instagram'...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/LANE_FOLLOWING/current_status: in_progress
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/LANE_FOLLOWING/lights: ['lane_following']
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/LANE_FOLLOWING/transitions/obstacle_exists: OBSTACLE_STOP
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/NORMAL_JOYSTICK_CONTROL/active_nodes: ['lane_filter_nod...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/NORMAL_JOYSTICK_CONTROL/current_status: implemented
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/NORMAL_JOYSTICK_CONTROL/lights: ['joystick']
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/OBSTACLE_STOP/active_nodes: ['anti_instagram'...
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/OBSTACLE_STOP/current_status: in_progress
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/OBSTACLE_STOP/lights: ['lane_following']
 * /myrobot/fsm_node/states/OBSTACLE_STOP/transitions/obstacle_cleared: LANE_FOLLOWING
 * /myrobot/ground_projection_node/board_h: 5
 * /myrobot/ground_projection_node/board_w: 7
 * /myrobot/ground_projection_node/square_size: 0.031
 * /myrobot/ground_projection_node/x_offset: 0.191
 * /myrobot/ground_projection_node/y_offset: 0.093
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/d_offset: 0.0
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/d_resolution: 0.011
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/d_thres: 0.2615
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/integral_bounds/d/bot: -0.3
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/integral_bounds/d/top: 0.3
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/integral_bounds/phi/bot: -1.2
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/integral_bounds/phi/top: 1.2
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/k_Id: -0.3
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/k_Iphi: 0.0
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/k_d: -6.0
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/k_theta: -5
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/omega_ff: 0
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/phi_resolution: 0.051
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/stop_line_slowdown/end: 0.15
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/stop_line_slowdown/start: 0.6
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/theta_thres: 0.523
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/v_bar: 0.19
 * /myrobot/lane_controller_node/verbose: 0
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/debug: False
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/cov_v: 0.5
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/d_max: 0.3
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/d_min: -0.15
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/delta_d: 0.02
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/delta_phi: 0.1
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/lanewidth: 0.23
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/linewidth_white: 0.05
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/linewidth_yellow: 0.025
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/mean_d_0: 0
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/mean_phi_0: 0
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/min_max: 0.1
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/phi_max: 1.5
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/phi_min: -1.5
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/range_est: 0.33
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/range_max: 0.6
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/range_min: 0.2
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/sigma_d_0: 0.1
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/sigma_d_mask: 1.0
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/sigma_phi_0: 0.1
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/lane_filter_histogram_configuration/sigma_phi_mask: 2.0
 * /myrobot/lane_filter_node/use_propagation: True
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/colors/RED/high_1: [15, 255, 255]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/colors/RED/high_2: [180, 255, 255]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/colors/RED/low_1: [0, 140, 100]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/colors/RED/low_2: [165, 140, 100]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/colors/WHITE/high: [180, 100, 255]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/colors/WHITE/low: [0, 0, 150]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/colors/YELLOW/high: [45, 255, 255]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/colors/YELLOW/low: [25, 140, 100]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/img_size: [120, 160]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/line_detector_parameters/canny_aperture_size: 3
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/line_detector_parameters/canny_thresholds: [80, 200]
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/line_detector_parameters/dilation_kernel_size: 3
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/line_detector_parameters/hough_max_line_gap: 1
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/line_detector_parameters/hough_min_line_length: 3
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/line_detector_parameters/hough_threshold: 2
 * /myrobot/line_detector_node/top_cutoff: 40
 * /myrobot/line_segment_visualizer_node/veh_name: myrobot
 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.15.11

    myrobot_to_map (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    anti_instagram_node (anti_instagram/
    fsm_node (fsm/
    ground_projection_node (ground_projection/
    lane_controller_node (lane_control/
    lane_filter_node (lane_filter/
    lane_pose_visualizer_node (visualization_tools/
    line_detector_node (line_detector/
    line_segment_visualizer_node (visualization_tools/

]2;/code/catkin_ws/src/dt-core/packages/duckietown_demos/launch/lane_following.launch http://localhost:11311
process[myrobot/fsm_node-1]: started with pid [184]
INFO:nodes:version 6.1.1 path /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages pyparsing 2.4.6
DEBUG:commons:version: 6.1.7 *
DEBUG:commons:version: 6.1.7 *
DEBUG:commons:version: 6.1.7 *
INFO:typing:version: 6.1.8
INFO:conf_tools:conf_tools 6.0.2
INFO:typing:version: 6.1.8
INFO:typing:version: 6.1.8
INFO:conf_tools:conf_tools 6.0.2
INFO:conf_tools:conf_tools 6.0.2
process[myrobot/line_detector_node-2]: started with pid [185]
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown
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Job shutdown [...]
Job shutdown
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