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Submission 16505

UserShuhao Liang
Date submitted
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DetailsEvaluation is complete.
Jobsstep1: 83965
User labelcollision-check-exercise
Admin priority50
User priority50

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InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 149, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 310, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 337, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [appearance, pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f87ac31f340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f87ac31f340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: blue}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[24]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.096211474065178, y: 3.921056741058533, theta_deg: 221.0613525576354}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.11131581219415985}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.150524423671857, y: 2.2035047870170787, theta_deg: 284.16843418306377}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2487280336575719}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.2004517350276562, y: 0.052336540518638786, theta_deg: 290.9855669653161}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.42932641564434276}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.444184055172666, y: 3.894293829797041, theta_deg: 140.8384512701403}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.7786940577516507}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.21735864157959972, y: 1.9139348492956765, theta_deg: 151.57096068164293}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.24845110245234964}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1388122364996502, y: 0.899693375642297, theta_deg: 91.01981449500508}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12544105088248692}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.323257870402481, y: 4.547108086660282, theta_deg: 342.89104640210167}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.1663725304771691}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.4312497742670246, y: 3.734186375385332, theta_deg: 138.5698985435081}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.7971857444694288}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.0932457595343665, y: 0.3102506074386441, theta_deg: 212.87917087175435}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.6497899540998702}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.6239526486084928, y: 2.53711202379701, theta_deg: 131.231706647201}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2910694262025375}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.104003985762769, y: 0.4809516048146001, theta_deg: 197.1070584112744}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.3955848362453741}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.207997574466457, y: 3.568505116867564, theta_deg: 52.93214745008918}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.19181966985803955}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.3463275814808364, y: 3.739841327989826, theta_deg: 357.53879237749373}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6163356604505417}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.093095465357427, y: 0.09105486717061906, theta_deg: 33.95408847947613}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.1240898123969043}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.316158712685406, y: 0.14575801841710034, theta_deg: 119.40317697254636}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.394530690402078
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.394530690402078
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.15146868158956692
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.15146868158956692
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #15 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.08380899366006112, y: 0.4581601168755539, theta_deg: 245.0105954978085}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2655070912596062
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2655070912596062
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3803984219153249
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3803984219153249
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #16 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.1813696864745893, y: 4.152775188546135, theta_deg: 296.11805516873613}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3444191925919513
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3444191925919513
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.17732341688956424
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.17732341688956424
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #17 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.4184128758721217, y: 0.6875485737484205, theta_deg: 190.34067804612636}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17530862141145465
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17530862141145465
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.18518194907997634
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.18518194907997634
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #18 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.29906431533518685, y: 4.530533535509441, theta_deg: 6.629862412277174}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3993464304748172
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3993464304748172
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3261890406502711
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3261890406502711
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #19 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.39864057992655, y: 3.983917362304292, theta_deg: 243.51551770368442}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.20142640295166614
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.20142640295166614
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3632613053381599
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3632613053381599
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #20 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2530705684129625, y: 3.5622640358817166, theta_deg: 349.670709981259}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36982554981352955
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36982554981352955
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3658276445413813
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3658276445413813
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #21 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.975026290129256, y: 1.178490733787612, theta_deg: 217.39645096981786}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19444527440603335
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19444527440603335
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2952395993417677
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2952395993417677
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #22 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.228570784990871, y: 2.0518444874602664, theta_deg: 285.5366186616327}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.28593320683741674
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.28593320683741674
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.21129529169225386
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.21129529169225386
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #23 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3016049158502923, y: 0.432987191146314, theta_deg: 159.606101638794}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.33107471652960146
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.33107471652960146
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27975809156801446
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27975809156801446
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'blue'}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 4.096211474065178, 'y': 3.921056741058533, 'theta_deg': 221.0613525576354}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.11131581219415985}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.150524423671857, 'y': 2.2035047870170787, 'theta_deg': 284.16843418306377}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2487280336575719}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2004517350276562, 'y': 0.052336540518638786, 'theta_deg': 290.9855669653161}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.42932641564434276}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.444184055172666, 'y': 3.894293829797041, 'theta_deg': 140.8384512701403}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.7786940577516507}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.21735864157959972, 'y': 1.9139348492956765, 'theta_deg': 151.57096068164293}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.24845110245234964}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1388122364996502, 'y': 0.899693375642297, 'theta_deg': 91.01981449500508}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12544105088248692}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.323257870402481, 'y': 4.547108086660282, 'theta_deg': 342.89104640210167}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.1663725304771691}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.4312497742670246, 'y': 3.734186375385332, 'theta_deg': 138.5698985435081}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.7971857444694288}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0932457595343665, 'y': 0.3102506074386441, 'theta_deg': 212.87917087175435}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6497899540998702}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.6239526486084928, 'y': 2.53711202379701, 'theta_deg': 131.231706647201}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2910694262025375}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.104003985762769, 'y': 0.4809516048146001, 'theta_deg': 197.1070584112744}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.3955848362453741}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.207997574466457, 'y': 3.568505116867564, 'theta_deg': 52.93214745008918}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.19181966985803955}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.3463275814808364, 'y': 3.739841327989826, 'theta_deg': 357.53879237749373}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6163356604505417}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.093095465357427, 'y': 0.09105486717061906, 'theta_deg': 33.95408847947613}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.1240898123969043}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.316158712685406, 'y': 0.14575801841710034, 'theta_deg': 119.40317697254636}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.394530690402078, 'xmin': -0.394530690402078, 'ymax': 0.15146868158956692, 'ymin': -0.15146868158956692}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.08380899366006112, 'y': 0.4581601168755539, 'theta_deg': 245.0105954978085}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2655070912596062, 'xmin': -0.2655070912596062, 'ymax': 0.3803984219153249, 'ymin': -0.3803984219153249}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.1813696864745893, 'y': 4.152775188546135, 'theta_deg': 296.11805516873613}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3444191925919513, 'xmin': -0.3444191925919513, 'ymax': 0.17732341688956424, 'ymin': -0.17732341688956424}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.4184128758721217, 'y': 0.6875485737484205, 'theta_deg': 190.34067804612636}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17530862141145465, 'xmin': -0.17530862141145465, 'ymax': 0.18518194907997634, 'ymin': -0.18518194907997634}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.29906431533518685, 'y': 4.530533535509441, 'theta_deg': 6.629862412277174}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3993464304748172, 'xmin': -0.3993464304748172, 'ymax': 0.3261890406502711, 'ymin': -0.3261890406502711}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.39864057992655, 'y': 3.983917362304292, 'theta_deg': 243.51551770368442}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.20142640295166614, 'xmin': -0.20142640295166614, 'ymax': 0.3632613053381599, 'ymin': -0.3632613053381599}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2530705684129625, 'y': 3.5622640358817166, 'theta_deg': 349.670709981259}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36982554981352955, 'xmin': -0.36982554981352955, 'ymax': 0.3658276445413813, 'ymin': -0.3658276445413813}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.975026290129256, 'y': 1.178490733787612, 'theta_deg': 217.39645096981786}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19444527440603335, 'xmin': -0.19444527440603335, 'ymax': 0.2952395993417677, 'ymin': -0.2952395993417677}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.228570784990871, 'y': 2.0518444874602664, 'theta_deg': 285.5366186616327}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.28593320683741674, 'xmin': -0.28593320683741674, 'ymax': 0.21129529169225386, 'ymin': -0.21129529169225386}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3016049158502923, 'y': 0.432987191146314, 'theta_deg': 159.606101638794}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.33107471652960146, 'xmin': -0.33107471652960146, 'ymax': 0.27975809156801446, 'ymin': -0.27975809156801446}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 108, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 115, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 149, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 310, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 337, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [appearance, pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f2d68b79340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f2d68b79340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: blue}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[24]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.096211474065178, y: 3.921056741058533, theta_deg: 221.0613525576354}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.11131581219415985}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.150524423671857, y: 2.2035047870170787, theta_deg: 284.16843418306377}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2487280336575719}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.2004517350276562, y: 0.052336540518638786, theta_deg: 290.9855669653161}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.42932641564434276}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.444184055172666, y: 3.894293829797041, theta_deg: 140.8384512701403}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.7786940577516507}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.21735864157959972, y: 1.9139348492956765, theta_deg: 151.57096068164293}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.24845110245234964}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1388122364996502, y: 0.899693375642297, theta_deg: 91.01981449500508}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12544105088248692}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.323257870402481, y: 4.547108086660282, theta_deg: 342.89104640210167}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.1663725304771691}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.4312497742670246, y: 3.734186375385332, theta_deg: 138.5698985435081}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.7971857444694288}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.0932457595343665, y: 0.3102506074386441, theta_deg: 212.87917087175435}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.6497899540998702}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.6239526486084928, y: 2.53711202379701, theta_deg: 131.231706647201}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2910694262025375}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.104003985762769, y: 0.4809516048146001, theta_deg: 197.1070584112744}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.3955848362453741}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.207997574466457, y: 3.568505116867564, theta_deg: 52.93214745008918}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.19181966985803955}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.3463275814808364, y: 3.739841327989826, theta_deg: 357.53879237749373}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6163356604505417}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.093095465357427, y: 0.09105486717061906, theta_deg: 33.95408847947613}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.1240898123969043}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.316158712685406, y: 0.14575801841710034, theta_deg: 119.40317697254636}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.394530690402078
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.394530690402078
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.15146868158956692
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.15146868158956692
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #15 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.08380899366006112, y: 0.4581601168755539, theta_deg: 245.0105954978085}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2655070912596062
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2655070912596062
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3803984219153249
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3803984219153249
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #16 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.1813696864745893, y: 4.152775188546135, theta_deg: 296.11805516873613}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3444191925919513
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3444191925919513
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.17732341688956424
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.17732341688956424
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #17 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.4184128758721217, y: 0.6875485737484205, theta_deg: 190.34067804612636}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17530862141145465
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17530862141145465
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.18518194907997634
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.18518194907997634
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #18 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.29906431533518685, y: 4.530533535509441, theta_deg: 6.629862412277174}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3993464304748172
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3993464304748172
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3261890406502711
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3261890406502711
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #19 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.39864057992655, y: 3.983917362304292, theta_deg: 243.51551770368442}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.20142640295166614
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.20142640295166614
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3632613053381599
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3632613053381599
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #20 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2530705684129625, y: 3.5622640358817166, theta_deg: 349.670709981259}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36982554981352955
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36982554981352955
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3658276445413813
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3658276445413813
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #21 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.975026290129256, y: 1.178490733787612, theta_deg: 217.39645096981786}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19444527440603335
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19444527440603335
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2952395993417677
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2952395993417677
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #22 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.228570784990871, y: 2.0518444874602664, theta_deg: 285.5366186616327}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.28593320683741674
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.28593320683741674
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.21129529169225386
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.21129529169225386
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #23 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3016049158502923, y: 0.432987191146314, theta_deg: 159.606101638794}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.33107471652960146
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.33107471652960146
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27975809156801446
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27975809156801446
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'blue'}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 4.096211474065178, 'y': 3.921056741058533, 'theta_deg': 221.0613525576354}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.11131581219415985}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.150524423671857, 'y': 2.2035047870170787, 'theta_deg': 284.16843418306377}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2487280336575719}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2004517350276562, 'y': 0.052336540518638786, 'theta_deg': 290.9855669653161}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.42932641564434276}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.444184055172666, 'y': 3.894293829797041, 'theta_deg': 140.8384512701403}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.7786940577516507}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.21735864157959972, 'y': 1.9139348492956765, 'theta_deg': 151.57096068164293}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.24845110245234964}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1388122364996502, 'y': 0.899693375642297, 'theta_deg': 91.01981449500508}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12544105088248692}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.323257870402481, 'y': 4.547108086660282, 'theta_deg': 342.89104640210167}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.1663725304771691}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.4312497742670246, 'y': 3.734186375385332, 'theta_deg': 138.5698985435081}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.7971857444694288}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0932457595343665, 'y': 0.3102506074386441, 'theta_deg': 212.87917087175435}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6497899540998702}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.6239526486084928, 'y': 2.53711202379701, 'theta_deg': 131.231706647201}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2910694262025375}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.104003985762769, 'y': 0.4809516048146001, 'theta_deg': 197.1070584112744}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.3955848362453741}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.207997574466457, 'y': 3.568505116867564, 'theta_deg': 52.93214745008918}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.19181966985803955}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.3463275814808364, 'y': 3.739841327989826, 'theta_deg': 357.53879237749373}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6163356604505417}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.093095465357427, 'y': 0.09105486717061906, 'theta_deg': 33.95408847947613}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.1240898123969043}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.316158712685406, 'y': 0.14575801841710034, 'theta_deg': 119.40317697254636}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.394530690402078, 'xmin': -0.394530690402078, 'ymax': 0.15146868158956692, 'ymin': -0.15146868158956692}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.08380899366006112, 'y': 0.4581601168755539, 'theta_deg': 245.0105954978085}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2655070912596062, 'xmin': -0.2655070912596062, 'ymax': 0.3803984219153249, 'ymin': -0.3803984219153249}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.1813696864745893, 'y': 4.152775188546135, 'theta_deg': 296.11805516873613}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3444191925919513, 'xmin': -0.3444191925919513, 'ymax': 0.17732341688956424, 'ymin': -0.17732341688956424}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.4184128758721217, 'y': 0.6875485737484205, 'theta_deg': 190.34067804612636}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17530862141145465, 'xmin': -0.17530862141145465, 'ymax': 0.18518194907997634, 'ymin': -0.18518194907997634}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.29906431533518685, 'y': 4.530533535509441, 'theta_deg': 6.629862412277174}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3993464304748172, 'xmin': -0.3993464304748172, 'ymax': 0.3261890406502711, 'ymin': -0.3261890406502711}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.39864057992655, 'y': 3.983917362304292, 'theta_deg': 243.51551770368442}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.20142640295166614, 'xmin': -0.20142640295166614, 'ymax': 0.3632613053381599, 'ymin': -0.3632613053381599}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2530705684129625, 'y': 3.5622640358817166, 'theta_deg': 349.670709981259}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36982554981352955, 'xmin': -0.36982554981352955, 'ymax': 0.3658276445413813, 'ymin': -0.3658276445413813}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.975026290129256, 'y': 1.178490733787612, 'theta_deg': 217.39645096981786}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19444527440603335, 'xmin': -0.19444527440603335, 'ymax': 0.2952395993417677, 'ymin': -0.2952395993417677}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.228570784990871, 'y': 2.0518444874602664, 'theta_deg': 285.5366186616327}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.28593320683741674, 'xmin': -0.28593320683741674, 'ymax': 0.21129529169225386, 'ymin': -0.21129529169225386}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3016049158502923, 'y': 0.432987191146314, 'theta_deg': 159.606101638794}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.33107471652960146, 'xmin': -0.33107471652960146, 'ymax': 0.27975809156801446, 'ymin': -0.27975809156801446}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 108, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 115, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 149, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 310, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 337, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [appearance, pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7fbe55847340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7fbe55847340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: blue}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[24]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.096211474065178, y: 3.921056741058533, theta_deg: 221.0613525576354}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.11131581219415985}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.150524423671857, y: 2.2035047870170787, theta_deg: 284.16843418306377}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2487280336575719}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.2004517350276562, y: 0.052336540518638786, theta_deg: 290.9855669653161}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.42932641564434276}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.444184055172666, y: 3.894293829797041, theta_deg: 140.8384512701403}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.7786940577516507}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.21735864157959972, y: 1.9139348492956765, theta_deg: 151.57096068164293}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.24845110245234964}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1388122364996502, y: 0.899693375642297, theta_deg: 91.01981449500508}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12544105088248692}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.323257870402481, y: 4.547108086660282, theta_deg: 342.89104640210167}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.1663725304771691}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.4312497742670246, y: 3.734186375385332, theta_deg: 138.5698985435081}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.7971857444694288}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.0932457595343665, y: 0.3102506074386441, theta_deg: 212.87917087175435}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.6497899540998702}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.6239526486084928, y: 2.53711202379701, theta_deg: 131.231706647201}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2910694262025375}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.104003985762769, y: 0.4809516048146001, theta_deg: 197.1070584112744}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.3955848362453741}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.207997574466457, y: 3.568505116867564, theta_deg: 52.93214745008918}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.19181966985803955}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.3463275814808364, y: 3.739841327989826, theta_deg: 357.53879237749373}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6163356604505417}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.093095465357427, y: 0.09105486717061906, theta_deg: 33.95408847947613}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.1240898123969043}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.316158712685406, y: 0.14575801841710034, theta_deg: 119.40317697254636}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.394530690402078
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.394530690402078
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.15146868158956692
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.15146868158956692
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #15 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.08380899366006112, y: 0.4581601168755539, theta_deg: 245.0105954978085}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2655070912596062
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2655070912596062
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3803984219153249
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3803984219153249
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #16 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.1813696864745893, y: 4.152775188546135, theta_deg: 296.11805516873613}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3444191925919513
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3444191925919513
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.17732341688956424
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.17732341688956424
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #17 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.4184128758721217, y: 0.6875485737484205, theta_deg: 190.34067804612636}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17530862141145465
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17530862141145465
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.18518194907997634
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.18518194907997634
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #18 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.29906431533518685, y: 4.530533535509441, theta_deg: 6.629862412277174}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3993464304748172
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3993464304748172
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3261890406502711
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3261890406502711
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #19 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.39864057992655, y: 3.983917362304292, theta_deg: 243.51551770368442}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.20142640295166614
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.20142640295166614
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3632613053381599
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3632613053381599
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #20 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2530705684129625, y: 3.5622640358817166, theta_deg: 349.670709981259}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36982554981352955
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36982554981352955
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3658276445413813
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3658276445413813
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #21 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.975026290129256, y: 1.178490733787612, theta_deg: 217.39645096981786}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19444527440603335
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19444527440603335
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2952395993417677
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2952395993417677
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #22 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.228570784990871, y: 2.0518444874602664, theta_deg: 285.5366186616327}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.28593320683741674
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.28593320683741674
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.21129529169225386
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.21129529169225386
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #23 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3016049158502923, y: 0.432987191146314, theta_deg: 159.606101638794}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.33107471652960146
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.33107471652960146
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27975809156801446
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27975809156801446
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'blue'}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 4.096211474065178, 'y': 3.921056741058533, 'theta_deg': 221.0613525576354}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.11131581219415985}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.150524423671857, 'y': 2.2035047870170787, 'theta_deg': 284.16843418306377}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2487280336575719}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2004517350276562, 'y': 0.052336540518638786, 'theta_deg': 290.9855669653161}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.42932641564434276}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.444184055172666, 'y': 3.894293829797041, 'theta_deg': 140.8384512701403}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.7786940577516507}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.21735864157959972, 'y': 1.9139348492956765, 'theta_deg': 151.57096068164293}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.24845110245234964}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1388122364996502, 'y': 0.899693375642297, 'theta_deg': 91.01981449500508}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12544105088248692}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.323257870402481, 'y': 4.547108086660282, 'theta_deg': 342.89104640210167}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.1663725304771691}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.4312497742670246, 'y': 3.734186375385332, 'theta_deg': 138.5698985435081}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.7971857444694288}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0932457595343665, 'y': 0.3102506074386441, 'theta_deg': 212.87917087175435}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6497899540998702}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.6239526486084928, 'y': 2.53711202379701, 'theta_deg': 131.231706647201}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2910694262025375}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.104003985762769, 'y': 0.4809516048146001, 'theta_deg': 197.1070584112744}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.3955848362453741}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.207997574466457, 'y': 3.568505116867564, 'theta_deg': 52.93214745008918}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.19181966985803955}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.3463275814808364, 'y': 3.739841327989826, 'theta_deg': 357.53879237749373}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6163356604505417}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.093095465357427, 'y': 0.09105486717061906, 'theta_deg': 33.95408847947613}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.1240898123969043}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.316158712685406, 'y': 0.14575801841710034, 'theta_deg': 119.40317697254636}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.394530690402078, 'xmin': -0.394530690402078, 'ymax': 0.15146868158956692, 'ymin': -0.15146868158956692}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.08380899366006112, 'y': 0.4581601168755539, 'theta_deg': 245.0105954978085}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2655070912596062, 'xmin': -0.2655070912596062, 'ymax': 0.3803984219153249, 'ymin': -0.3803984219153249}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.1813696864745893, 'y': 4.152775188546135, 'theta_deg': 296.11805516873613}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3444191925919513, 'xmin': -0.3444191925919513, 'ymax': 0.17732341688956424, 'ymin': -0.17732341688956424}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.4184128758721217, 'y': 0.6875485737484205, 'theta_deg': 190.34067804612636}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17530862141145465, 'xmin': -0.17530862141145465, 'ymax': 0.18518194907997634, 'ymin': -0.18518194907997634}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.29906431533518685, 'y': 4.530533535509441, 'theta_deg': 6.629862412277174}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3993464304748172, 'xmin': -0.3993464304748172, 'ymax': 0.3261890406502711, 'ymin': -0.3261890406502711}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.39864057992655, 'y': 3.983917362304292, 'theta_deg': 243.51551770368442}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.20142640295166614, 'xmin': -0.20142640295166614, 'ymax': 0.3632613053381599, 'ymin': -0.3632613053381599}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2530705684129625, 'y': 3.5622640358817166, 'theta_deg': 349.670709981259}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36982554981352955, 'xmin': -0.36982554981352955, 'ymax': 0.3658276445413813, 'ymin': -0.3658276445413813}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.975026290129256, 'y': 1.178490733787612, 'theta_deg': 217.39645096981786}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19444527440603335, 'xmin': -0.19444527440603335, 'ymax': 0.2952395993417677, 'ymin': -0.2952395993417677}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.228570784990871, 'y': 2.0518444874602664, 'theta_deg': 285.5366186616327}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.28593320683741674, 'xmin': -0.28593320683741674, 'ymax': 0.21129529169225386, 'ymin': -0.21129529169225386}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3016049158502923, 'y': 0.432987191146314, 'theta_deg': 159.606101638794}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.33107471652960146, 'xmin': -0.33107471652960146, 'ymax': 0.27975809156801446, 'ymin': -0.27975809156801446}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 108, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 115, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 149, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 310, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 337, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [appearance, pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7faadbad1340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7faadbad1340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: blue}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[24]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.096211474065178, y: 3.921056741058533, theta_deg: 221.0613525576354}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.11131581219415985}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.150524423671857, y: 2.2035047870170787, theta_deg: 284.16843418306377}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2487280336575719}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.2004517350276562, y: 0.052336540518638786, theta_deg: 290.9855669653161}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.42932641564434276}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.444184055172666, y: 3.894293829797041, theta_deg: 140.8384512701403}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.7786940577516507}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.21735864157959972, y: 1.9139348492956765, theta_deg: 151.57096068164293}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.24845110245234964}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1388122364996502, y: 0.899693375642297, theta_deg: 91.01981449500508}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12544105088248692}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.323257870402481, y: 4.547108086660282, theta_deg: 342.89104640210167}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.1663725304771691}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.4312497742670246, y: 3.734186375385332, theta_deg: 138.5698985435081}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.7971857444694288}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.0932457595343665, y: 0.3102506074386441, theta_deg: 212.87917087175435}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.6497899540998702}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[3]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.6239526486084928, y: 2.53711202379701, theta_deg: 131.231706647201}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2910694262025375}
                 || │              │    │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.104003985762769, y: 0.4809516048146001, theta_deg: 197.1070584112744}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.3955848362453741}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.207997574466457, y: 3.568505116867564, theta_deg: 52.93214745008918}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.19181966985803955}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.3463275814808364, y: 3.739841327989826, theta_deg: 357.53879237749373}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6163356604505417}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.093095465357427, y: 0.09105486717061906, theta_deg: 33.95408847947613}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.1240898123969043}
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.316158712685406, y: 0.14575801841710034, theta_deg: 119.40317697254636}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.394530690402078
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.394530690402078
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.15146868158956692
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.15146868158956692
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #15 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.08380899366006112, y: 0.4581601168755539, theta_deg: 245.0105954978085}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2655070912596062
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2655070912596062
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3803984219153249
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3803984219153249
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #16 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.1813696864745893, y: 4.152775188546135, theta_deg: 296.11805516873613}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3444191925919513
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3444191925919513
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.17732341688956424
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.17732341688956424
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #17 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.4184128758721217, y: 0.6875485737484205, theta_deg: 190.34067804612636}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17530862141145465
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17530862141145465
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.18518194907997634
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.18518194907997634
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #18 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.29906431533518685, y: 4.530533535509441, theta_deg: 6.629862412277174}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3993464304748172
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3993464304748172
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3261890406502711
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3261890406502711
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #19 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.39864057992655, y: 3.983917362304292, theta_deg: 243.51551770368442}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.20142640295166614
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.20142640295166614
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3632613053381599
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3632613053381599
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #20 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2530705684129625, y: 3.5622640358817166, theta_deg: 349.670709981259}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36982554981352955
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36982554981352955
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3658276445413813
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3658276445413813
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #21 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.975026290129256, y: 1.178490733787612, theta_deg: 217.39645096981786}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19444527440603335
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19444527440603335
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2952395993417677
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2952395993417677
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #22 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.228570784990871, y: 2.0518444874602664, theta_deg: 285.5366186616327}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.28593320683741674
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.28593320683741674
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.21129529169225386
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.21129529169225386
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || │              │ #23 dict[3]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3016049158502923, y: 0.432987191146314, theta_deg: 159.606101638794}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.33107471652960146
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.33107471652960146
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27975809156801446
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27975809156801446
                 || │              │     │ appearance: {fillcolor: brown}
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'blue'}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 4.096211474065178, 'y': 3.921056741058533, 'theta_deg': 221.0613525576354}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.11131581219415985}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.150524423671857, 'y': 2.2035047870170787, 'theta_deg': 284.16843418306377}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2487280336575719}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2004517350276562, 'y': 0.052336540518638786, 'theta_deg': 290.9855669653161}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.42932641564434276}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.444184055172666, 'y': 3.894293829797041, 'theta_deg': 140.8384512701403}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.7786940577516507}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.21735864157959972, 'y': 1.9139348492956765, 'theta_deg': 151.57096068164293}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.24845110245234964}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1388122364996502, 'y': 0.899693375642297, 'theta_deg': 91.01981449500508}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12544105088248692}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.323257870402481, 'y': 4.547108086660282, 'theta_deg': 342.89104640210167}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.1663725304771691}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.4312497742670246, 'y': 3.734186375385332, 'theta_deg': 138.5698985435081}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.7971857444694288}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0932457595343665, 'y': 0.3102506074386441, 'theta_deg': 212.87917087175435}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6497899540998702}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.6239526486084928, 'y': 2.53711202379701, 'theta_deg': 131.231706647201}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2910694262025375}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.104003985762769, 'y': 0.4809516048146001, 'theta_deg': 197.1070584112744}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.3955848362453741}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.207997574466457, 'y': 3.568505116867564, 'theta_deg': 52.93214745008918}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.19181966985803955}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.3463275814808364, 'y': 3.739841327989826, 'theta_deg': 357.53879237749373}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6163356604505417}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.093095465357427, 'y': 0.09105486717061906, 'theta_deg': 33.95408847947613}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.1240898123969043}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.316158712685406, 'y': 0.14575801841710034, 'theta_deg': 119.40317697254636}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.394530690402078, 'xmin': -0.394530690402078, 'ymax': 0.15146868158956692, 'ymin': -0.15146868158956692}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.08380899366006112, 'y': 0.4581601168755539, 'theta_deg': 245.0105954978085}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2655070912596062, 'xmin': -0.2655070912596062, 'ymax': 0.3803984219153249, 'ymin': -0.3803984219153249}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.1813696864745893, 'y': 4.152775188546135, 'theta_deg': 296.11805516873613}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3444191925919513, 'xmin': -0.3444191925919513, 'ymax': 0.17732341688956424, 'ymin': -0.17732341688956424}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.4184128758721217, 'y': 0.6875485737484205, 'theta_deg': 190.34067804612636}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17530862141145465, 'xmin': -0.17530862141145465, 'ymax': 0.18518194907997634, 'ymin': -0.18518194907997634}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.29906431533518685, 'y': 4.530533535509441, 'theta_deg': 6.629862412277174}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3993464304748172, 'xmin': -0.3993464304748172, 'ymax': 0.3261890406502711, 'ymin': -0.3261890406502711}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.39864057992655, 'y': 3.983917362304292, 'theta_deg': 243.51551770368442}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.20142640295166614, 'xmin': -0.20142640295166614, 'ymax': 0.3632613053381599, 'ymin': -0.3632613053381599}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2530705684129625, 'y': 3.5622640358817166, 'theta_deg': 349.670709981259}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36982554981352955, 'xmin': -0.36982554981352955, 'ymax': 0.3658276445413813, 'ymin': -0.3658276445413813}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.975026290129256, 'y': 1.178490733787612, 'theta_deg': 217.39645096981786}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19444527440603335, 'xmin': -0.19444527440603335, 'ymax': 0.2952395993417677, 'ymin': -0.2952395993417677}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.228570784990871, 'y': 2.0518444874602664, 'theta_deg': 285.5366186616327}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.28593320683741674, 'xmin': -0.28593320683741674, 'ymax': 0.21129529169225386, 'ymin': -0.21129529169225386}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3016049158502923, 'y': 0.432987191146314, 'theta_deg': 159.606101638794}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.33107471652960146, 'xmin': -0.33107471652960146, 'ymax': 0.27975809156801446, 'ymin': -0.27975809156801446}, 'appearance': {'fillcolor': 'brown'}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 108, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 115, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f96b5a3e340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f96b5a3e340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7fd2485f6340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7fd2485f6340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f45ac683340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f45ac683340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f8a1621b340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f8a1621b340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f921f2ac340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f921f2ac340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f5333a08340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f5333a08340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f0cade4e340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f0cade4e340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f5c9105f340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f5c9105f340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f89dc264340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f89dc264340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f0d47a41340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f0d47a41340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f383ef2a340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f383ef2a340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f1f4ff12340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f1f4ff12340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f493f1f6340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f493f1f6340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7fcac5e26340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7fcac5e26340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f1f88d69340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f1f88d69340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f110a314340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f110a314340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
InvalidSubmission: T [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 80, in run_checker
    agent_ci.write_topic_and_expect_zero("set_params", inside.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 143, in write_topic_and_expect_zero
    msgs = read_reply(self.fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=self.nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 304, in read_reply
    others = read_until_over(fpout, timeout=timeout, nickname=nickname)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 331, in read_until_over
    raise RemoteNodeAborted(m)
zuper_nodes.structures.RemoteNodeAborted: External node "checker" aborted:

error in checker |Exception while handling a message on topic "set_params".
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 135, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_list(mj, st, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in object_from_ipce_list
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 235, in <listcomp>
                 ||     seq = [rec(_, suggest) for _ in mj]
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 220, in rec
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_(x, TT, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'motion' in data for class PlacedPrimitive and no default available
                 || │  anns: dict[4]
                 || │        │ pose:
                 || │        │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
                 || │        │  field         x : float
                 || │        │  field         y : float
                 || │        │  field theta_deg : float
                 || │        │ primitive: Union[Circle,Rectangle]
                 || │        │ motion: Optional[Motion]
                 || │        │ appearance: Optional[Appearance]
                 || │     T: Optional[Motion]
                 || │ known: [pose, primitive]
                 || │     f: Field(name='motion',type=typing.Union[dt_protocols.collision_protocol.Motion, NoneType],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f590cd78340>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f590cd78340>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
                 ||     return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
                 ||     raise ZValueError(
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'body' of MapDefinition.
                 || │ K_annotations: {environment: List[PlacedPrimitive], body: List[PlacedPrimitive]}
                 || │   expect_type: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │         ann_K: List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │        K_name: MapDefinition
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 526, in handle_message_node
                 ||     ob = object_from_ipce(data, klass, iedo=iedo)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
                 ||     raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
                 || zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
                 || │ expect_type: dataclass dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition
                 || │               field environment : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │               field        body : List[PlacedPrimitive]
                 || │          mj: dict[2]
                 || │              │ body:
                 || │              │ list[1]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, theta_deg: 0.0}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {xmax: 0.15, xmin: -0.1, ymax: 0.07, ymin: -0.07}
                 || │              │ environment:
                 || │              │ list[29]
                 || │              │ #0 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.9125890658268627, y: 3.9472692329264762, theta_deg: 314.9719998448343}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5251125654800793}
                 || │              │ #1 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.9926900341698777, y: 0.8233661966297068, theta_deg: 341.36483928725556}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.4659112244745977}
                 || │              │ #2 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5447369022319997, y: 2.629121352517718, theta_deg: 0.0836133493964164}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.509554556430961}
                 || │              │ #3 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.8631361527559225, y: 4.08114717077782, theta_deg: 9.490150972061514}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.07856831082510395}
                 || │              │ #4 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.1002533546994324, y: 2.954998196553062, theta_deg: 316.7757245144182}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.20917871657148068}
                 || │              │ #5 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 3.2066077145605854, y: 3.7922697673258474, theta_deg: 114.35032304515283}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.12378820575048292}
                 || │              │ #6 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.5944020909818106, y: 4.7360393585272575, theta_deg: 204.70174667196008}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.5453900708378455}
                 || │              │ #7 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 4.921951434266071, y: 2.0234031967622395, theta_deg: 155.14980699271763}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2869423956938969}
                 || │              │ #8 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 1.5187476479424578, y: 4.830255545605125, theta_deg: 54.39597552945401}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2123076316021693}
                 || │              │ #9 dict[2]
                 || │              │    │ pose: {x: 2.328773657576651, y: 2.8544623409632326, theta_deg: 186.34045750745076}
                 || │              │    │ primitive: {radius: 0.2346479501744152}
                 || │              │ #10 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 4.614198901949372, y: 4.970640879209836, theta_deg: 270.66096110263265}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.6761884071961927}
                 || │              │ #11 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.2812768280053801, y: 4.180899441717356, theta_deg: 299.68701109169933}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.5386799981686371}
                 || │              │ #12 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.548626374879696, y: 3.4001494981082487, theta_deg: 125.53490467088842}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23354469069309597}
                 || │              │ #13 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.880148931593778, y: 2.0126688399940367, theta_deg: 317.0796564178238}
                 || │              │     │ primitive: {radius: 0.23350766894748093}
                 || │              │ #14 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.6813336337975624, y: 0.14175055516834734, theta_deg: 178.45905108168063}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.17577841131155175
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2086154802531887
                 || │              │ #15 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.6662456118534263, y: 0.20290100375009112, theta_deg: 93.59892771824593}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21825680316484697
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2652874543239051
                 || │              │ #16 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6602928294924815, y: 1.5650729284802907, theta_deg: 315.38101944655637}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.38067748440610083
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.26455563099042045
                 || │              │ #17 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.9453019208386033, y: 2.3410040371545957, theta_deg: 194.3263171462901}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.19375038246710072
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.319355833601973
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.319355833601973
                 || │              │ #18 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.4692991564123385, y: 1.7209658104295544, theta_deg: 233.8197467581951}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2730767286896322
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3330436605005949
                 || │              │ #19 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.3525678926921658, y: 2.002807219161622, theta_deg: 338.0520684418531}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.36250285399333515
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.30205413186681984
                 || │              │ #20 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0532262789322067, y: 1.2214524568676248, theta_deg: 11.17871400847739}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.21704634787840504
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.22951911971448344
                 || │              │ #21 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 3.1207110122062094, y: 2.757342074665731, theta_deg: 241.8298682237677}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2787299410400761
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3821400288255976
                 || │              │ #22 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.0030965509096914, y: 2.661495101043039, theta_deg: 10.65733766096498}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.27757030003571065
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.27439535545064353
                 || │              │ #23 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.6371631058062299, y: 0.07520358706626706, theta_deg: 233.2290288244793}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.1568958288642149
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3385996090426416
                 || │              │ #24 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.231087385650513, y: 0.6825196212439816, theta_deg: 254.72542035874156}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3351588038931866
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2722482862283071
                 || │              │ #25 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.3094780755503224, y: 3.153134757157309, theta_deg: 211.91002176835747}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2892386946970967
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2910973313279218
                 || │              │ #26 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 2.7988140554852423, y: 3.8183056220870073, theta_deg: 64.45993799507568}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3807662072264205
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.241216738233042
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.241216738233042
                 || │              │ #27 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 1.2062011348774082, y: 1.4051304368106292, theta_deg: 91.75474063668716}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.2003437891332652
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.2027701381574747
                 || │              │ #28 dict[2]
                 || │              │     │ pose: {x: 0.8658821334958738, y: 2.121673835942685, theta_deg: 69.34164652267859}
                 || │              │     │ primitive:
                 || │              │     │ dict[4]
                 || │              │     │ │ xmax: 0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ xmin: -0.3739902254804429
                 || │              │     │ │ ymax: 0.3453831059064705
                 || │              │     │ │ ymin: -0.3453831059064705
                 || The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
                 || Traceback (most recent call last):
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 385, in loop
                 ||     handle_message_node(parsed, receiver0, context0)
                 ||   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 534, in handle_message_node
                 ||     raise DecodingError(msg) from e
                 || zuper_nodes.structures.DecodingError: Cannot deserialize object for topic "set_params" expecting <class 'dt_protocols.collision_protocol.MapDefinition'>.
                 || parsed: |RawTopicMessage(topic='set_params', data={'body': [{'pose': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'theta_deg': 0.0}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.15, 'xmin': -0.1, 'ymax': 0.07, 'ymin': -0.07}}], 'environment': [{'pose': {'x': 3.9125890658268627, 'y': 3.9472692329264762, 'theta_deg': 314.9719998448343}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5251125654800793}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.9926900341698777, 'y': 0.8233661966297068, 'theta_deg': 341.36483928725556}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.4659112244745977}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5447369022319997, 'y': 2.629121352517718, 'theta_deg': 0.0836133493964164}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.509554556430961}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.8631361527559225, 'y': 4.08114717077782, 'theta_deg': 9.490150972061514}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.07856831082510395}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.1002533546994324, 'y': 2.954998196553062, 'theta_deg': 316.7757245144182}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.20917871657148068}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.2066077145605854, 'y': 3.7922697673258474, 'theta_deg': 114.35032304515283}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.12378820575048292}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.5944020909818106, 'y': 4.7360393585272575, 'theta_deg': 204.70174667196008}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5453900708378455}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.921951434266071, 'y': 2.0234031967622395, 'theta_deg': 155.14980699271763}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2869423956938969}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.5187476479424578, 'y': 4.830255545605125, 'theta_deg': 54.39597552945401}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2123076316021693}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.328773657576651, 'y': 2.8544623409632326, 'theta_deg': 186.34045750745076}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.2346479501744152}}, {'pose': {'x': 4.614198901949372, 'y': 4.970640879209836, 'theta_deg': 270.66096110263265}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.6761884071961927}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.2812768280053801, 'y': 4.180899441717356, 'theta_deg': 299.68701109169933}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.5386799981686371}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.548626374879696, 'y': 3.4001494981082487, 'theta_deg': 125.53490467088842}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23354469069309597}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.880148931593778, 'y': 2.0126688399940367, 'theta_deg': 317.0796564178238}, 'primitive': {'radius': 0.23350766894748093}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.6813336337975624, 'y': 0.14175055516834734, 'theta_deg': 178.45905108168063}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.17577841131155175, 'xmin': -0.17577841131155175, 'ymax': 0.2086154802531887, 'ymin': -0.2086154802531887}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.6662456118534263, 'y': 0.20290100375009112, 'theta_deg': 93.59892771824593}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21825680316484697, 'xmin': -0.21825680316484697, 'ymax': 0.2652874543239051, 'ymin': -0.2652874543239051}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6602928294924815, 'y': 1.5650729284802907, 'theta_deg': 315.38101944655637}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.38067748440610083, 'xmin': -0.38067748440610083, 'ymax': 0.26455563099042045, 'ymin': -0.26455563099042045}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.9453019208386033, 'y': 2.3410040371545957, 'theta_deg': 194.3263171462901}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.19375038246710072, 'xmin': -0.19375038246710072, 'ymax': 0.319355833601973, 'ymin': -0.319355833601973}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.4692991564123385, 'y': 1.7209658104295544, 'theta_deg': 233.8197467581951}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2730767286896322, 'xmin': -0.2730767286896322, 'ymax': 0.3330436605005949, 'ymin': -0.3330436605005949}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.3525678926921658, 'y': 2.002807219161622, 'theta_deg': 338.0520684418531}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.36250285399333515, 'xmin': -0.36250285399333515, 'ymax': 0.30205413186681984, 'ymin': -0.30205413186681984}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0532262789322067, 'y': 1.2214524568676248, 'theta_deg': 11.17871400847739}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.21704634787840504, 'xmin': -0.21704634787840504, 'ymax': 0.22951911971448344, 'ymin': -0.22951911971448344}}, {'pose': {'x': 3.1207110122062094, 'y': 2.757342074665731, 'theta_deg': 241.8298682237677}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2787299410400761, 'xmin': -0.2787299410400761, 'ymax': 0.3821400288255976, 'ymin': -0.3821400288255976}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.0030965509096914, 'y': 2.661495101043039, 'theta_deg': 10.65733766096498}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.27757030003571065, 'xmin': -0.27757030003571065, 'ymax': 0.27439535545064353, 'ymin': -0.27439535545064353}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.6371631058062299, 'y': 0.07520358706626706, 'theta_deg': 233.2290288244793}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.1568958288642149, 'xmin': -0.1568958288642149, 'ymax': 0.3385996090426416, 'ymin': -0.3385996090426416}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.231087385650513, 'y': 0.6825196212439816, 'theta_deg': 254.72542035874156}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3351588038931866, 'xmin': -0.3351588038931866, 'ymax': 0.2722482862283071, 'ymin': -0.2722482862283071}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.3094780755503224, 'y': 3.153134757157309, 'theta_deg': 211.91002176835747}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2892386946970967, 'xmin': -0.2892386946970967, 'ymax': 0.2910973313279218, 'ymin': -0.2910973313279218}}, {'pose': {'x': 2.7988140554852423, 'y': 3.8183056220870073, 'theta_deg': 64.45993799507568}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3807662072264205, 'xmin': -0.3807662072264205, 'ymax': 0.241216738233042, 'ymin': -0.241216738233042}}, {'pose': {'x': 1.2062011348774082, 'y': 1.4051304368106292, 'theta_deg': 91.75474063668716}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.2003437891332652, 'xmin': -0.2003437891332652, 'ymax': 0.2027701381574747, 'ymin': -0.2027701381574747}}, {'pose': {'x': 0.8658821334958738, 'y': 2.121673835942685, 'theta_deg': 69.34164652267859}, 'primitive': {'xmax': 0.3739902254804429, 'xmin': -0.3739902254804429, 'ymax': 0.3453831059064705, 'ymin': -0.3453831059064705}}]}, timing=None)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_collision/", line 105, in planning_checker_main
    sessions = run_checker(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dt_protocols/", line 97, in run_checker
    raise dc.InvalidSubmission(msg) from e
duckietown_challenges.exceptions.InvalidSubmission: The remote node has violated protocol
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