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Submission 3696

UserManfred Diaz
Date submitted
Last status update
DetailsEvaluation is complete.
Jobseval0: 23598 eval0-videos-autobots: 23951
User labelchallenge-aido_LF-template-tensorflow
Admin priority50
User priority50

Evaluation jobs for this submission

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Job IDstepstatusup to datedate starteddate completeddurationmessage
The container "evalu [...]
The container "evaluator" exited with code 1.

Look at the logs for the container to know more about the error.
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
The container "evalu [...]
The container "evaluator" exited with code 1.

Look at the logs for the container to know more about the error.
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
The container "evalu [...]
The container "evaluator" exited with code 1.

Look at the logs for the container to know more about the error.
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Uncaught exception: [...]
Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/andrea/dt-env-developer/src/duckietown-challenges-runner/src/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 517, in get_cr
  File "/home/andrea/.local/share/virtualenvs/dt-env-developer-q48V9oeQ/lib/python3.7/", line 211, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  File "/home/andrea/.local/share/virtualenvs/dt-env-developer-q48V9oeQ/lib/python3.7/", line 221, in makedirs
    mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/duckietown/DT18/evaluator/executions/aido2-LFVI-real-validation/submission3696'
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
The container "evalu [...]
The container "evaluator" exited with code 1.

Look at the logs for the container to know more about the error.
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.

other stats
details{"1_01attemptDate": {"name": "1_01attemptDate", "output": "2019-05-20", "readable_string": "Attempt date"}, "1_03autolabName": {"name": "1_03autolabName", "output": "ETHZ", "readable_string": "Autolab"}, "1_04operatorName": {"name": "1_04operatorName", "output": "Mirela", "readable_string": "Operator's name"}}
details{"2_04ledLightsOn": {"name": "2_04ledLightsOn", "output": true, "readable_string": "Ceiling led lightbulbs are on with a bright white color"}, "2_01mapConformity": {"name": "2_01mapConformity", "output": true, "readable_string": "Conformity of the map"}, "2_05curtainsClosed": {"name": "2_05curtainsClosed", "output": true, "readable_string": "The curtains are closed"}, "2_02pairedHostnames": {"name": "2_02pairedHostnames", "output": true, "readable_string": "Pairing hostnames to duckiebot-IDs"}, "2_03ceilingLightsOff": {"name": "2_03ceilingLightsOff", "output": true, "readable_string": "Ceiling default neon lights are off"}, "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot01": {"name": "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot01", "output": "not_used", "readable_string": "Selection among available duckiebot"}, "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot02": {"name": "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot02", "output": "active", "readable_string": "Selection among available duckiebot"}, "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot03": {"name": "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot03", "output": "passive", "readable_string": "Selection among available duckiebot"}, "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot04": {"name": "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot04", "output": "passive", "readable_string": "Selection among available duckiebot"}, "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot05": {"name": "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot05", "output": "not_used", "readable_string": "Selection among available duckiebot"}, "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot06": {"name": "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot06", "output": "not_used", "readable_string": "Selection among available duckiebot"}, "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot07": {"name": "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot07", "output": "not_used", "readable_string": "Selection among available duckiebot"}, "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot08": {"name": "2_multi01_duckiebot_select_autobot08", "output": "not_used", "readable_string": "Selection among available duckiebot"}}
details{"3_11freeMemory": {"name": "3_11freeMemory", "output": true, "readable_string": "All agents have enough free memory"}, "3_01robotsAreOn": {"name": "3_01robotsAreOn", "output": true, "readable_string": "All duckiebots are on"}, "3_09agentsPinged": {"name": "3_09agentsPinged", "output": true, "readable_string": "All agents have been pinged"}, "3_03duckiesOnBots": {"name": "3_03duckiesOnBots", "output": true, "readable_string": "All autobots received yeelow or black duckies (according to active of passive)"}, "3_08attemptNumber": {"name": "3_08attemptNumber", "output": "1", "readable_string": "Attempt number"}, "3_04batteryChecked": {"name": "3_04batteryChecked", "output": true, "readable_string": "All duckiebots have enough battery"}, "3_06agentPlacement": {"name": "3_06agentPlacement", "output": true, "readable_string": "Placement of the duckiebots"}, "3_02aprilTagsPlates": {"name": "3_02aprilTagsPlates", "output": true, "readable_string": "All duckiebots have their april tag backplate, in the right orientation"}, "3_05agentsPluggedIn": {"name": "3_05agentsPluggedIn", "output": true, "readable_string": "All non-movable agents (watchtowers and trafficlights) are plugged in (alimentation and ethernet)"}, "3_10readWriteMemory": {"name": "3_10readWriteMemory", "output": true, "readable_string": "All agents have been tested for read and write on their logging device (USB stick)"}, "3_07lightCheckedReport": {"name": "3_07lightCheckedReport", "output": false, "readable_string": "Report on light conditions"}, "3_hidden_autolab_helper_command": {"name": "3_hidden_autolab_helper_command", "output": "python3 3696 aido2-LFVI-real-validation autobot02 autobot03 autobot04 ", "readable_string": "The autolab helper script launch command"}}
details{"4_01duckiebotInterfaceStarted": {"name": "4_01duckiebotInterfaceStarted", "output": true, "readable_string": "All duckiebots have stared their duckiebot interface container"}, "4_02submissionContainerLoaded": {"name": "4_02submissionContainerLoaded", "output": true, "readable_string": "All active duckiebots have loaded the submission container"}, "4_04agentsStartedLoggerContainers": {"name": "4_04agentsStartedLoggerContainers", "output": true, "readable_string": "All agents have loaded and started the logger container"}, "4_03passiveDuckiebotsContainerLoaded": {"name": "4_03passiveDuckiebotsContainerLoaded", "output": true, "readable_string": "All passive duckiebots have loaded the passive behavior container"}}
details{"5_01operatorIsReady": {"name": "5_01operatorIsReady", "output": true, "readable_string": "The operator is ready to start"}, "5_02serverInitializationError": {"name": "5_02serverInitializationError", "output": "", "readable_string": "The server initialization error message"}}
details{"6_06visualCheck": {"name": "6_06visualCheck", "output": "", "readable_string": "Comment from operator on visual check of launching"}, "6_03beginTimeStamp": {"name": "6_03beginTimeStamp", "output": "1558387476.422583", "readable_string": "Beginning timestamp (useful for attempt evaluation)"}, "6_01launchedAttempt": {"name": "6_01launchedAttempt", "output": true, "readable_string": "The attempt was successfully launched"}, "6_02serverLaunchError": {"name": "6_02serverLaunchError", "output": "", "readable_string": "The server launch error message"}, "6_09watchtowerLoggings": {"name": "6_09watchtowerLoggings", "output": true, "readable_string": "Watchtowers started logging data"}, "6_10serverLoggingCheck": {"name": "6_10serverLoggingCheck", "output": "", "readable_string": "Logging error message from the server"}, "6_07activeDuckiebotLogging": {"name": "6_07activeDuckiebotLogging", "output": true, "readable_string": "Active duckiebots started logging data"}, "6_08passiveDuckiebotLogging": {"name": "6_08passiveDuckiebotLogging", "output": true, "readable_string": "Passive duckiebots started logging data"}, "6_04activeDuckiebotsAreRunningVisualCheck": {"name": "6_04activeDuckiebotsAreRunningVisualCheck", "output": true, "readable_string": "Active duckiebots started moving after launch"}, "6_05passiveDuckiebotsAreRunningVisualCheck": {"name": "6_05passiveDuckiebotsAreRunningVisualCheck", "output": true, "readable_string": "Passive duckiebots started moving after launch"}}
details{"7_05errorReason": {"name": "7_05errorReason", "output": "no_error", "readable_string": "Reason for error"}, "7_01endTimeStamp": {"name": "7_01endTimeStamp", "output": "1558387499.119499", "readable_string": "end of the experiment timestamp"}, "7_03failureReason": {"name": "7_03failureReason", "output": "no_failure", "readable_string": "Reason for failure"}, "7_06errorComments": {"name": "7_06errorComments", "output": "", "readable_string": "Comment on error reason"}, "7_02attemptSuccess": {"name": "7_02attemptSuccess", "output": "success", "readable_string": "Outcome of the attempt"}, "7_04failureComments": {"name": "7_04failureComments", "output": "", "readable_string": "Comment on failure reason"}, "7_07outcomechecking": {"name": "7_07outcomechecking", "output": false, "readable_string": "Checked that the outcome matched the given reasons"}}
details{"8_01bagsCopied": {"name": "8_01bagsCopied", "output": true, "readable_string": "All bags were successfully copied"}, "8_03bagsClipped": {"name": "8_03bagsClipped", "output": false, "readable_string": "All bags were clipped with the time stamps"}, "8_02bagsVerified": {"name": "8_02bagsVerified", "output": true, "readable_string": "The contents of all bags was verified"}, "8_04agentsCleaned": {"name": "8_04agentsCleaned", "output": true, "readable_string": "All agents were cleaned from bags"}}
details{"9_02timeTravelled": {"name": "9_02timeTravelled", "output": "12", "readable_string": "How many seconds did the Duckiebot successfully travel"}, "9_01tilesTravelled": {"name": "9_01tilesTravelled", "output": "2.5", "readable_string": "How many tiles did the Duckiebot successfully travel"}}
details{"10_02dataIpfsHash": {"name": "10_02dataIpfsHash", "output": "QmR4CqUW2tGdDHb6TwgFCA7JZfqaWuZLLzdSzB33j6fUgv", "readable_string": "IPFS hash of the experiment"}, "10_04cleanupCheck": {"name": "10_04cleanupCheck", "output": false, "readable_string": "The IPFS Docker terminal and the local storage were cleaned"}, "10_05autolabCleaned": {"name": "10_05autolabCleaned", "output": true, "readable_string": "Autolab was cleaned after the end of the experiment"}, "10_01dataUploadCheck": {"name": "10_01dataUploadCheck", "output": false, "readable_string": "The data was uploaded to the IDSC NAS"}, "10_03dataPinningCheck": {"name": "10_03dataPinningCheck", "output": false, "readable_string": "The data is accessible through IPFS"}}
No reset possible