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Submission 6355

Competinguser retired
UserAmaury Camus 🇨🇭
Date submitted
Last status update-
Detailsstatus not computed yet
User labelchallenge-aido_LF-template-random
Admin priority80
User priority80

Status not computed yet.

Evaluation jobs for this submission

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Job IDstepstatusup to datedate starteddate completeddurationmessage
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Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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InvalidEvaluator: Tr [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 19, in wrap
    stats = evaluate_robotarium_log(logdir, outd=outd)
  File "/project/", line 41, in evaluate_robotarium_log
    d = yaml.load(open(mapfile).read())
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/challenges/previous-steps/eval0/trajectories/map.yaml'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 676, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "", line 34, in <module>
  File "", line 24, in wrap
    raise dc.InvalidEvaluator() from e
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Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31668
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31667
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31637
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Timeout because eval [...]
Timeout because evaluator contacted us
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31635
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31149
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31148
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31147
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31146
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Timeout because eval [...]
Timeout because evaluator contacted us
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Timeout because eval [...]
Timeout because evaluator contacted us
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31143
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31142
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31141
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31140
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31139
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
31138eval0abortedyes----No reset possible
Timeout because eval [...]
Timeout because evaluator contacted us
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31136
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Timeout because eval [...]
Timeout because evaluator contacted us
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31134
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Timeout because eval [...]
Timeout because evaluator contacted us
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31132
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31131
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31130
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31129
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible
Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 31128
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Timeout because eval [...]
Timeout because evaluator contacted us