Job ID step status up to date date started date completed duration message 12184
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-22 20:58:45+00:00 2018-11-22 21:03:07+00:00 0:04:22 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
driven_lanedir_median 12.699471241547764 deviation-center-line_median 0.8854326003830923 in-drivable-lane_median 2.0999999999999934
other stats deviation-center-line_max 0.9391498517767116 deviation-center-line_mean 0.7435247748487442 deviation-center-line_min 0.07983794540477675 deviation-heading_max 3.324915136080177 deviation-heading_mean 2.6427302974914575 deviation-heading_median 3.1839522226109755 deviation-heading_min 0.33468998187246835 driven_any_max 15.84998241653846 driven_any_mean 12.628451384100432 driven_any_median 15.158049038081236 driven_any_min 1.3651699659815133 driven_lanedir_max 13.00178509672013 driven_lanedir_mean 10.385465787984984 driven_lanedir_min 1.022277115095422 in-drivable-lane_max 2.5000000000000107 in-drivable-lane_mean 1.846666666666667 in-drivable-lane_min 0.2000000000000003 per-episodes details {"ep000": {"driven_any": 15.715903823544345, "driven_lanedir": 13.00178509672013, "in-drivable-lane": 2.066666666666661, "deviation-heading": 3.147150264553537, "deviation-center-line": 0.9325231210920674}, "ep001": {"driven_any": 15.0531516763566, "driven_lanedir": 12.41550022953671, "in-drivable-lane": 2.366666666666668, "deviation-heading": 3.1839522226109755, "deviation-center-line": 0.9391498517767116}, "ep002": {"driven_any": 15.158049038081236, "driven_lanedir": 12.699471241547764, "in-drivable-lane": 2.0999999999999934, "deviation-heading": 3.2229438823401284, "deviation-center-line": 0.8854326003830923}, "ep003": {"driven_any": 1.3651699659815133, "driven_lanedir": 1.022277115095422, "in-drivable-lane": 0.2000000000000003, "deviation-heading": 0.33468998187246835, "deviation-center-line": 0.07983794540477675}, "ep004": {"driven_any": 15.84998241653846, "driven_lanedir": 12.788295257024895, "in-drivable-lane": 2.5000000000000107, "deviation-heading": 3.324915136080177, "deviation-center-line": 0.8806803555870734}}
No reset possible 12177
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-22 20:57:26+00:00 2018-11-22 20:58:38+00:00 0:01:12 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 12174
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-22 20:56:58+00:00 2018-11-22 20:57:19+00:00 0:00:21 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
survival_time_median 16.666666666666654
other stats episodes details {"ep000": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.6141537887587328, "good_angle": 1.3374311111024075, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 18, "valid_direction": 2.7333333333333307}, "ep001": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.6094288741555065, "good_angle": 1.2560883004005363, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 18, "valid_direction": 2.033333333333327}, "ep002": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.639915471771732, "good_angle": 1.2101960937567025, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 18, "valid_direction": 2.56666666666666}, "ep003": {"nsteps": 39, "reward": -25.051817406828587, "good_angle": 0.1749634666533099, "survival_time": 1.3000000000000007, "traveled_tiles": 3, "valid_direction": 0.46666666666666745}, "ep004": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.6274838215330383, "good_angle": 1.437600419932589, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 18, "valid_direction": 2.633333333333331}}good_angle_max 1.437600419932589 good_angle_mean 1.083255878369109 good_angle_median 1.2560883004005363 good_angle_min 0.1749634666533099 reward_max 0.639915471771732 reward_mean -4.512167090121915 reward_median 0.6141537887587328 reward_min -25.051817406828587 survival_time_max 16.666666666666654 survival_time_mean 13.593333333333325 survival_time_min 1.3000000000000007 traveled_tiles_max 18 traveled_tiles_mean 15 traveled_tiles_median 18 traveled_tiles_min 3 valid_direction_max 2.7333333333333307 valid_direction_mean 2.0866666666666633 valid_direction_median 2.56666666666666 valid_direction_min 0.46666666666666745
No reset possible 12155
step1-simulation success yes 2018-11-22 20:51:31+00:00 2018-11-22 20:56:55+00:00 0:05:24 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6773
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-09 00:47:01+00:00 2018-11-09 00:48:43+00:00 0:01:42 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6772
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-09 00:47:00+00:00 2018-11-09 00:48:43+00:00 0:01:43 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6766
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-09 00:46:04+00:00 2018-11-09 00:46:54+00:00 0:00:50 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6764
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-09 00:45:37+00:00 2018-11-09 00:45:58+00:00 0:00:21 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6548
step4-viz aborted yes 2018-11-09 00:14:22+00:00 2018-11-09 00:14:23+00:00 0:00:01 Uncaught exception:
[...] Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/project/src/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 353, in go_
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 157, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/duckietown/DT18/evaluator/executions/aido1_LF1_r3-v3/submission819/step4-viz-nutonomy-P50-2110-job6548'
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6547
step4-viz aborted yes 2018-11-09 00:14:21+00:00 2018-11-09 00:14:22+00:00 0:00:01 Uncaught exception:
[...] Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/project/src/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 353, in go_
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 157, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/duckietown/DT18/evaluator/executions/aido1_LF1_r3-v3/submission819/step4-viz-nutonomy-P50-2210-job6547'
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6427
step4-viz aborted yes 2018-11-09 00:00:08+00:00 2018-11-09 00:00:08+00:00 0:00:00 Uncaught exception:
[...] Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/project/src/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 353, in go_
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 157, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/duckietown/DT18/evaluator/executions/aido1_LF1_r3-v3/submission819/step4-viz-nutonomy-P50-2210-job6427'
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6426
step4-viz aborted yes 2018-11-09 00:00:07+00:00 2018-11-09 00:00:07+00:00 0:00:00 Uncaught exception:
[...] Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/project/src/duckietown_challenges_runner/", line 353, in go_
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 157, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/duckietown/DT18/evaluator/executions/aido1_LF1_r3-v3/submission819/step4-viz-nutonomy-P50-2110-job6426'
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6252
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-08 23:27:44+00:00 2018-11-08 23:28:40+00:00 0:00:56 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6247
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-08 23:25:26+00:00 2018-11-08 23:27:39+00:00 0:02:13 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible