Job ID step status up to date date started date completed duration message 12258
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-22 21:31:25+00:00 2018-11-22 21:33:00+00:00 0:01:35 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
driven_lanedir_median 1.6771841021538645 deviation-center-line_median 0.1783283136710628 in-drivable-lane_median 1.433333333333335
other stats deviation-center-line_max 0.515637096594444 deviation-center-line_mean 0.2356417449451789 deviation-center-line_min 0 deviation-heading_max 1.4656693619568912 deviation-heading_mean 0.7459655493715927 deviation-heading_median 0.7745742164091756 deviation-heading_min 0 driven_any_max 6.3134671434570295 driven_any_mean 3.4877442976286384 driven_any_median 3.725514177372329 driven_any_min 0.6568618121898631 driven_lanedir_max 3.859421629992368 driven_lanedir_mean 2.045330451352009 driven_lanedir_min 0 in-drivable-lane_max 3.999999999999992 in-drivable-lane_mean 1.9266666666666643 in-drivable-lane_min 0.6000000000000012 per-episodes details {"ep000": {"driven_any": 0.6568618121898631, "driven_lanedir": 0, "in-drivable-lane": 1.166666666666667, "deviation-heading": 0, "deviation-center-line": 0}, "ep001": {"driven_any": 6.3134671434570295, "driven_lanedir": 3.859421629992368, "in-drivable-lane": 2.433333333333327, "deviation-heading": 1.4656693619568912, "deviation-center-line": 0.515637096594444}, "ep002": {"driven_any": 4.707218426372725, "driven_lanedir": 3.254461726664029, "in-drivable-lane": 1.433333333333335, "deviation-heading": 1.1203534513583189, "deviation-center-line": 0.34943685020863585}, "ep003": {"driven_any": 2.035659928751244, "driven_lanedir": 1.6771841021538645, "in-drivable-lane": 0.6000000000000012, "deviation-heading": 0.3692307171335784, "deviation-center-line": 0.13480646425175163}, "ep004": {"driven_any": 3.725514177372329, "driven_lanedir": 1.4355847979497849, "in-drivable-lane": 3.999999999999992, "deviation-heading": 0.7745742164091756, "deviation-center-line": 0.1783283136710628}}
No reset possible 12254
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-22 21:26:38+00:00 2018-11-22 21:29:10+00:00 0:02:32 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 12251
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-22 21:26:04+00:00 2018-11-22 21:26:24+00:00 0:00:20 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
survival_time_median 5.49999999999999
other stats episodes details {"ep000": {"nsteps": 36, "reward": -29.487023785710335, "good_angle": 0.31190937854029055, "survival_time": 1.2000000000000004, "traveled_tiles": 2, "valid_direction": 0.6000000000000004}, "ep001": {"nsteps": 229, "reward": -4.282930066459304, "good_angle": 1.4287265284343271, "survival_time": 7.633333333333316, "traveled_tiles": 12, "valid_direction": 2.3999999999999964}, "ep002": {"nsteps": 165, "reward": -5.662128073592303, "good_angle": 0.6266620386561079, "survival_time": 5.49999999999999, "traveled_tiles": 9, "valid_direction": 0.8999999999999994}, "ep003": {"nsteps": 75, "reward": -12.773614008923373, "good_angle": 0.11498710295399482, "survival_time": 2.500000000000001, "traveled_tiles": 4, "valid_direction": 0.03333333333333344}, "ep004": {"nsteps": 181, "reward": -5.942324150456579, "good_angle": 1.588377960926397, "survival_time": 6.033333333333322, "traveled_tiles": 8, "valid_direction": 3.2666666666666626}}good_angle_max 1.588377960926397 good_angle_mean 0.8141326019022234 good_angle_median 0.6266620386561079 good_angle_min 0.11498710295399482 reward_max -4.282930066459304 reward_mean -11.629604017028376 reward_median -5.942324150456579 reward_min -29.487023785710335 survival_time_max 7.633333333333316 survival_time_mean 4.573333333333325 survival_time_min 1.2000000000000004 traveled_tiles_max 12 traveled_tiles_mean 7 traveled_tiles_median 8 traveled_tiles_min 2 valid_direction_max 3.2666666666666626 valid_direction_mean 1.4399999999999984 valid_direction_median 0.8999999999999994 valid_direction_min 0.03333333333333344
No reset possible 12240
step1-simulation success yes 2018-11-22 21:17:23+00:00 2018-11-22 21:25:57+00:00 0:08:34 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6742
step1-simulation failed no 2018-11-09 00:29:17+00:00 2018-11-09 00:40:27+00:00 0:11:10 InvalidSubmission:
T [...] InvalidSubmission:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workspace/src/duckietown-challenges/src/duckietown_challenges/", line 477, in wrap_evaluator
File "/workspace/src/duckietown-challenges/src/duckietown_challenges/", line 270, in wait_for_solution
raise InvalidSubmission(msg)
InvalidSubmission: Time out: Timeout of 600 while waiting for /challenge-solution-output/output-solution.yaml.
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6227
step1-simulation aborted no 2018-11-08 23:07:32+00:00 2018-11-08 23:18:06+00:00 0:10:34 InvalidSubmission:
T [...] InvalidSubmission:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workspace/src/duckietown-challenges/src/duckietown_challenges/", line 477, in wrap_evaluator
File "/workspace/src/duckietown-challenges/src/duckietown_challenges/", line 270, in wait_for_solution
raise InvalidSubmission(msg)
InvalidSubmission: Time out: Timeout of 600 while waiting for /challenge-solution-output/output-solution.yaml.
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6206
step1-simulation timeout no 2018-11-08 22:21:38+00:00 2018-11-08 22:55:19+00:00 0:33:41 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6205
step1-simulation timeout no 2018-11-08 22:21:17+00:00 2018-11-08 22:54:31+00:00 0:33:14 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6187
step1-simulation aborted no 2018-11-08 21:46:47+00:00 2018-11-08 22:21:06+00:00 0:34:19 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6186
step1-simulation timeout no 2018-11-08 21:44:45+00:00 2018-11-08 22:17:25+00:00 0:32:40 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 6107
step1-simulation aborted no 2018-11-08 17:35:27+00:00 2018-11-08 17:46:09+00:00 0:10:42 Timeout:
Waited 602 [...] Timeout:
Waited 602.329112053 for container to finish. Giving up.
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible